Just Dreams

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I suggest you go back if you don't want feels. For the rest of the people, ENJOY!(and cri) Btw: This is all fake...This never happened to me. Yes,This written in my POV


I finally finished the story I was writing on Wattpad. I got off of my bed to charge my phone when I heard a creepy "Hello!". I turned around at the speed of light, My phone still in my hand. I was staring face-to-face with myself? But this wasn't me, right?

She had dark blonde hair than mine with one very long red streak. She looked up at me and I saw that her eyes were pitch black with little red dots in the center. She smiled, rows of jagged teeth made me shiver.

" Well,HAI!" She said in the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard. It was like she was trying to sound nice,but it wasn't working.

I turned to my door slowly and yelled out,"GUYS!! A LITTLE HELP?!" Me and my friends live with each other now,ever since we felt like it.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, the demon pinned me to the door. Her hands were on my both of my shoulders and she lifted my about a foot off the ground.

Then the girl spoke,It was much different than the voice she used earlier. "DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT YOUR FRIENDS LOVE YOU?!"  She screamed.

She threw me to the ground and I landed on my side. I looked up at her and held my shoulder that I landed on. "Yes." I answered.

"Well," She was walking over to me and put her foot on my chest so I couldn't move or get up. "They don't. " She put in that same creepy smile on and teleported me to an area. It took me a second to find out where I was, School.

I looked around and figured it was lunch time. I then looked next to me and notice the demon was still next to me. She looked at me and smiled.",
Why don't you go sit next to your friends and here what they are talking about! Also, Your absent this day..."

I grunted and walked over to them. All four of were sitting in the same area, same table as always. I smiled a bit and just stood there. That's when they started their conversation.

(Just for purposes, I'm not naming any names so this part will get confusing)

"Did you hear that Sydney doesn't like Anime?" One of them said. My vision started to get dark and their voices started to get corrupted.

"Yeah but do remember she was the only one of us that never cried?! Is that girl heartless or something?!" What? I just held back my tears, It doesn't mean I'm heartless!!!

"We shouldn't be talking about this..." Someone else said. THANK YOU!! SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS!!

"Who cares! She's pathetic and worthless anyway...." What? They'll.....never talked about me....like this....

I lost control of my body as we teleported to my room. I saw myself sitting on my bed with cuts all over my arms and tear stains over my face. I noticed my phone was blowing up with Kik and hangout messages. I quickly picked it up and saw that I, even though I'm 100% sure this isn't me, messaged my friends that I was going to...

I looked up quickly and noticed a dark figure hanging off of a rope, tied to a fan. I feel to my knees and began to cry. The figure was me. I tried my best to look but I couldn't.

I always told myself that I would never do this. I can't even bring up a blade to myself without thinking of what pain it could bring.

Then, The worst thing happened. My brother came walking in.

"HEY SIS," His cheery voice made me want this to not be true. Luckily, his eyes were closed. But, he opened them as he said,"Do you wanna play Call of--" Tears traced his eyes as he fell to his knees right next to me. "S-sis?" He sobbed as his voice cracked.

My bloodshot eyes stared at him. He ran out if the room leaving tear drops and yelling, "MOM!! DAD!!!"

Some things happened afterwards. The news broke the school. Everyone couldn't believe their ears. Mostly anyone that was in my class or my classes before started to cry. I wished I could hug them but I'm a ghost.

Heard something in my ear and jolted around. It was a Meow. "Paisley?" I whispered. I began to walk to one of the doors in my school and saw them.... My past pets.

I started crying. Miranda,Jasmin, Selina, Trumin,and Ozzy. A few of the family pets were there as well..Katie and Ladie.

"You need to wake up. It's not your time,yet." Miranda walked up to me. "I know your still grieving over my death. That was years ago...The truth is,I loved Paisley! She was like a little sister!! I felt like Jasmin and Selina were with me again. She had fighting spirit and I was glad to back down from cat of the house and give it to the young one,even if Noel didn't like it."

"My child," Jasmin stepped in."Its not your time."

"We're always gonna be in your heart!" Ozzy smiled. Can dogs smile?

"Tell your brother I loved the drawing he made when I passed." Selina purred.

"Tell dexter he was fun when I was alive." Ladie laughed." He was a child to me."

"Tell everyone that I was thankful for my life in the family." Katie smiled."Seeing generation grow up is amazing."

"I may have never met you but I have always watched over you." Trumin smiled." I died before any of these weridos... We all cheered you on in the afterlife."

"We love you!" They all said as my vision went black and I found myself on my bed, with Paisley in my face.

This was sad to write. I kept names secret cause I felt like it XD.

YOUR TURN daisygurl00 !!


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