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Mirajane walked in the rain with a tall red umbrella over her head and a bouquet of flowers in the other as Laxus trailed behind her wearing his heavy coat. The sky was coated in dark grey cloud and the wind lightly blew.

"Why don't you get under the umbrella?" Mirajane asked him.

"It's just rain." he simply answered.

Mira sighed as she kept walking,
"Suit yourself."

As they kept following the path to the graveyard Mirajane clutched the flowers tighter in her grasp. Laxus blinked, noticing her body tense up. Mirajane started to get tender until she felt a warm touch against her back. She turned to see that Laxus put his coat over her shoulders.

"Relax. Everything's fine." the lightning mage said.

Mirajane didn't expect such a move out of Laxus as her cheeks turned pink. She held the heavy coat closer to her as she noticed Laxus was now leading the way. He had stuffed his hands in his pockets as his clothes were getting soaked in the rain. Laxus looked up to feel the rain splatter on his skin as the wind started picking up. He smelled the air and exhaled as they continued their walk to the gravesite. The leaves crumbled under their feet as Laxus and Mirajane finally approached Lisanna's stone grave.

Beloved sister and a friend to animal souls.

Mirajane laid her flowers at the base of the charcoal colored marker. She felt her heart beat hard as she vacantly stared at the words that it read. Laxus slightly frowned towards her as she looked at him and suddenly smiled faintly at him.

"Thank you for coming with me, since Elfman is out on a quest..." Mirajane thanked.

Laxus felt himself blush as he crossed his arms,

"He was so worried about not coming. He still feels so awful about everything, blaming himself for her death," Mira explained.

Laxus held his head down to look closer at the engravings,
"It's nobody's fault."

"What do you think I keep telling him..." Mirajane sighed.

Laxus slightly smirked as he heard a pitter patter sound above him. Mirajane had extended her arm to reach over his head, for the umbrella to cover his body.

"I already have your coat, at least take the umbrella..." Mirajane smiled.

Laxus blushed as he took it from her and held it over his head. He gazed back to her as she held his coat closer to her body. There was a brief silence between them as they both stared down at Lisanna's grave. Next thing he knew, he saw tears slightly fall down her cheeks. Laxus' heart was beating fast as he felt warmth in his chest. Mira tried wiping her tears away but they just kept coming. As she tried holding back a little bit more, she suddenly felt a force pull her. Mirajane looked up to see Laxus had held her in a hug.

"Don't cry." Laxus told her.

Mirajane found it hard to believe that he was showing so much affection towards her. Laxus took his fingers and brushed them against her cheeks, to wipe away her tears.

"As you've said, we smile for Lisanna."

Mirajane gasped lightly and smiled wide at him as he pulled Mira in closer to comfort her. She buried her face in his chest and he rested his head on top of hers. Mirajane directed her vision up to his face as their eyes matched. What was this sensation he was feeling? She leaned in closer as he felt a peck on his cheek. Laxus knew his face was turning red as he dropped the umbrella out of surprise into a big puddle. She pulled away as his eyes grew wide.

"Thank you!" Mirajane smiled.

He felt her brush her hand against his face as she stepped away and walked a little forwards then stopped,
"Ready to go back?"

Laxus bit his lip as he walked up to her and placed his hands on her cheeks and leaned in to kiss her on her pink lips. Mirajane slowly closed her eyes as she hugged his chest, their lips meeting. The umbrella filled up with rainwater as the two kept hold of their passionate kiss. Mira's soft lips pulled away as she couldn't help but giggle, seeing his flustered face. She picked up the umbrella and shook the water out of it, handing it to Laxus.

"Let's go home."

Laxus grinned as he took the umbrella out of her hands and headed home, with Mirajane under it with him. Suddenly the sky lifted as clouds started fading sway, along with the rain.

"Lisanna is watching over us," Mirajane smiled.

Laxus smiled with her and nodded as he closed the umbrella, Mira hugging his arm. The sunlight shined on the two of them as they made their way home, back to where they belonged, back to Fairy Tail.

Walk To The Grave (Miraxus)Where stories live. Discover now