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* Expectations *
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 『 期待 』

The death of my parents came completely out of no where. If someone had warned me the day prior, I would've thought them a lunatic. But, it was indeed true that I would lose them, and never have the luxury of happiness again. As a child, I thought nothing of death. I knew of the word, but it was not a concept that I truly grasped. No little boy or girl thinks about no longer having their parents: they are just there, always there, a natural part of life. They are caregivers, pillars of strength, the most meaningful people to a helpless child. At least, that's what they were to me. When they died, it felt like I died as well, like a part of my heart was brutally ripped out. Now that I've gotten older, though, I have come to realize that everything in life that is good will, one way or another, take a turn for the worse. In the blink of an eye, I lost everything that meant anything to me. On that day is when I learned the hard way never to expect the best, because eventually, it will all go wrong. When hope becomes hopeless, and prayers remain unanswered, then you will see that this is true. All blessings in life come at a price, and if you don't pay up, it just might turn into a curse. - ✕

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