It breaks me

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Hey guys!
Thankyou so much for reading my story I hope you all like it
I know that Gary has lily and all that but I really do ship chaz so I thought I'd make a Charlotte&gary fan fiction

Charlotte PoV

It breaks my heart. Seeing my Gary pull bare lasses, every fucking night man. Here I am, sat on me own on a night out, watching him neckin on with birds, heart breakin more every second, while he is out enjoying himself, not even looking at me twice.

I just wish he felt something for me, because I really fuckin like the lad. To be honest tho, I'm not to sure if Gary even has feelings.
Me thoughts are interrupted by marnie stumbling over to me with a drink in her hand.

"Y'alright char? What you doing on ya own?" Marnie shouts into my ear, due to the bare noise that makes it impossible to hear yourself even think.
"Just feel abit sick, might go home" I lie. The truth is I'm sick of seeing Gary pulling.
"Alright las, take care" she says, and sways back over to holly and Chloe.

Just as I had got me self out the door, holly comes running up to me. She's the only one that knows about my Gary problem.

"What's up pet, and you ain't fooling me with that 'I'm sick' bullshit" she says smiling.
I smile back. "Just Gary problems" I say, and continue to walk me way to the taxi.
"Oi, slow down, I'm coming with you ya goon" she laughs
" you don't have to hol"
"So what? Am I meant to let you be crying by yourself? Nah, I'm crying with you" holly chats.
I give her a smile, and climb into our ride home.

As soon as we get to the house, tears run from me eyes. I can't handle holding it all in anymore, and it's better to cry than to become psyco Charlotte, because no kid wants to meet her!

Holly scoops me into her arms and holds me for a few seconds.
"Char I know it's hard pet, but you need to try not thinking about it. Don't let that dick head ruin your nights"
At this point I am crying so hard, I just wanna sit and cry and eat chocolate and get mortal.
"I can't holly, I fuckin can't, it's so, so hard, I just love him so so much, it hurts so bad" I whine. I'm so fuckin gutted that Gary doesn't notice me. It just really fucking hurts.

"Shh, calm down" holly soothes. Eventually I find myself calming down.
I wipe my tears from my eyes, and then rapid stand up to go to the toilet. I feel well pathetic man.

Holly runs after and knocks on the door
"Char... You alright?" She says, sounding a wee bit worried.

As much as I love holly, I want to be alone to sort myself out for five minutes, so I quickly make up an excuse for hol to get gone.

"Yeah I'm fine, God, you can never shit in peace in this fucking house" I shout, I hear my best friend giggle and walk off.

I dab the tears running down my cheeks away, trying not to smudge my makeup too much. My eye makeup is completely fucked, so I wipe off my eye shadow but keep my false eye lashes. I add a bit of mascara, flush the toilet for effect and wash my hands, and then go to confront my bestie

Me and hol decide to go to bed before the others get back, to avoid any shitty questions to why we left early, but more importantly, to avoid Gary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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