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hannibal was in da kitchen cooking uo something ssepsh spesh because will was comin over for dinna@

hannibak opened up the cupboard and found a sausage.
"waddahrck^#? whys dere a sausage in my cupboard"
he turned around and standing in his kitchen was
Ramsye Snow.

"yo hannubak"
"u git da faq outta mah kitchen now m9, my fwend is coming over"
"awww y u no invite me to.dinner""
"i h8 your dumbass show game of fucking shit danys plot has gon to shitz, now piss off"

ramsey snow walked to the fridge slowly. he pulled out some.mustard and started eating it eith the sausage. "hannibal u jnow im the best torturer i cut da dick off theon and gave.it.to his sister lolz im so kewlbeanz"
hannibal looked a longg time at ramssy and finaly said,
"lol that k00t"

"waddaheck u mean k00t?! im not fucking shnezgenang im not k00t im badass i CUT THE DICK OFF HIM OK"

"lol. u kuutie omg heres a lolipop" and hannubal gave him a severed head on a stick (lol i dunnno)
ramsey jumped.up and yelled WADDAHEK THIS IS A HUMAN HEAD
"no shit sherkock i am cannibal" said hannibal
"whats that hanubal? u r a cannibal?"
"godfucking dammit ur smarter than all the charactrs in this show. ofc i am cannibal that mustard u took outta mah fridge was eyeballs and cum"

ramsey jumped up again and vomited he was grossed out. hannubal wakled over and grabbed the lil shit bythe neck "listen ransey i may be a jerk but lemme learn u a thing: what comes around goes around."

~~laater that night~~
will came into hannubals place and he could smeell nice things cooking. he saw hannib and said "haii~ i feel so kawaii tofay"
"fuckin shutup Will ur not as kawai as shenagsheng. oh no sorry Will ididnt mean it omg dont cry, here look i cooked dinner for uu"
will sat dowb at the dinner table and was happy to see yum food.
"hang on, whats this thing? hanni how come u only cooked 1 sausage?" saided will confusedly
"thats a speshal sausage will so i could only make one"
"mmm its yummy wow, what kinda meat is it?"


umm i mean pork. lol my lousy accent made it soundd like cock lol."

"oh ok" said will and he contonued eating his cock-># i mean porkk suagsaue.


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