The Beginning

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It was Monday, the first day of dragon academy. Ever. Nervousness was bubbling within me and not knowing anyone made me more anxious then I had ever felt. People are the same everywhere, right? They'd be the same as the kids in my old town.

I needed to get these thoughts out of my head, although I still felt as though a large weight was cast over me, and I didn't think I could forget or would be able to forget it.

My dragon, a Sand Wraith called Syralth, walked beside me, in an even peace. She was aware of how I was feeling and knew better then to try and make me feel better.

It was kind of ironic that I was even getting Dragon classes, I already knew so much about them and my parents had complete understanding of that. But being the great people they were, they also knew that I would always be at the top of the class in one part and the bottom of the class in the next.

So, even though I adored the whole definition of 'dragons' and barely keep my mind away, the aspect of flying made me want to throw myself into a hole and die a terribly painful death.
See, I am afraid of heights. Stupid, I know, it being so trivial and something so little people are frightened of. I don't know why or how but I am.
And I never ever want to be faced with the consequences of falling.

Anyway, I was heading down towards the Dragon Training Academy for my first lesson when I bumped into something.

Well, someone, I guess.

I had run into the largest Monstrous Nightmare I had ever seen, not even the ones I'd seen in the wild hardly compared to this.
I cowered on the ground, hands covering my face, frozen in fear. The only thought going through my head, - I am going to die.

"It's okay," someone said, "Hookfang won't hurt you." I opened my eyes and saw a boy, dark hair sticking out from under his Viking helmet, light blue eyes curious to what he was seeing.

I felt Syralth nuzzle my back as I stood up sheepishly.

"Hi, I'm here for dragon training, my name is Y/N," I said nervously.
"Oh Y/N, I've heard Hiccup talking about you! I'm Snotlout," The boy answered, "This is Hookfang," he added pointing up to the Monstrous Nightmare. I pointed towards my dragon and told Snotlout her name."Cool name for a dragon," Snotlout replied.

"Hey, if you want, I can take you to the Academy, I'm going there too." He seemed embarrassed to ask yet hid it well with the amount of confidence he had in his voice. He seemed genuine and nice and so far didn't seem to hate or judge me.
He was probably a little too rambunctious for my liking, but a lot of people were, I would get over it easily.

"I hate to admit it, but I was a little lost," I scratched my neck to sell it because truthfully I wasn't lost at all, I knew exactly where I was going. I just didn't want to pass off an opportunity to make a new friend.

And with that, we headed towards the Academy.

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