The story

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1 minute......2 minutes......3. I can feel the skin stretched over my bones, tight like a rubber band stretched to its limit. My bones, they feel hollow like I could float away at any moment. Even with that feeling I am being pulled down, I'm slowly sinking. Not only my body but my mind is falling into a bottomless pit. I am almost mindless but one thought surfaces and floats across the endless abyss of my mind. My only thought was.....Get away...Get out.


I'm in my room. The curtains are drawn and there is not even a sliver of light coming from anywhere in the room. Even with there not being light I can still see everything as if it was pure white with light bouncing off of everything. Not only can I see everything in my room, I can feel the things that can't be seen. I know they're there. It doesn't matter what everyone else tells me. They ARE there. Normally I would be forcing my prone body to start moving, open up the curtains, take a big breath of the fresh air and get ready. Today though, it is too much of a risk.

Recently I've been having a recurring nightmare that I am being followed and the person, no it's too grotesque to be a person, the thing is slowly getting closer to me. Each day I wake up with the feeling of being watched. I'm slowly becoming an insomniac with the amount of sleep I have been getting.

I've started to call one of the things that have been tormenting me for the past two weeks Chad. I'm using the method that if you name something a nice, unassuming name it can't cause you too much harm. Chad is not the only thing living in my room, it seems like the most benevolent at times though. At least I'm trying to be optimistic.

I slowly pull myself up to a sitting position and place my feet on the floor. I try not to move too suddenly or loudly because I don't want to scare, ha as if he's actually scared, Chad away. These last few days I've begun to try to communicate with it, because it seems like the only one that likes to stick around, even if for only a little while.

The apparent beings following me around don't usually like to come out unless I am alone. On the off chance that they do it's often to torment me. When I try to get help they take the form of either my shadow or, the image of myself in the mirror. When that happens it makes it seem more like I'm the...crazy one. But that's not can't see them because they don't believe, that's the problem.

I lift my hand to touch Chad, but he slinks away, back into the darkest reaches of my room. Suddenly he opens the black void you would call his mouth, and silently makes a screeching noise. If you're wondering how it was silent let me tell you, I did not HEAR it, I felt it. Coursing through the very marrow of my bones, lifting the flesh off my skeleton I felt the sound he wanted to make and it was the worst noise you could ever imagine.

With his mouth open he muttered, "Do you dare to come over here? Do you dare to enter the very place that will be your demise?"

I stumbled backwards onto the stool in front of my bed. I gasped for air, I could feel a panic attack starting to come onto me. The amount of fear and adrenaline were running high in my bloodstream. How, how could he talk? He had never done it before, so why did he choose now to start. I also assume that i was right about guessing his gender, if he even has one it would be male.

Pulling in as much air as possible I ran out of my room and slammed the door shut. There was no use screaming because everyone would either look at me with pity and sympathy, or completely terrified of me. I rushed into the restroom and stood at the sink, trying to calm my breathing. Splashing cold water on my face I looked into the mirror and saw one of the other things that have been tormenting me. I jumped back with a shriek , my back hitting the wall. The ghost probably feeling satisfied with scarring me, turned their back to me and walked farther into the mirror. I could tell they were laughing because i could see their shoulders shaking slightly with the chuckles they couldn't voice verbally. But now since Chad, I do not know if that is altogether true.

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