A Story

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Hello there. My name is Aanjali. Aanjali Shaan. Let me tell you a little story. 

This is a story about a girl who did not believe in love, but in the end found her Mr. Right. 

Her name was Anjali. Anjali was the youngest child in a family of three daughters and one son. When she was 11 years old, her father left her mother and disappeared. Shortly after Anjali turned 12, her brother married a woman whom his mother chose for him. The marriage was not a happy one. They did not love one another. Anjali's sister-in-law tried her best as a wife and daughter-in-law, but her brother could not accept her. 

The next year, Anjali's oldest sister was married off to an older man who came from money. Her oldest sister willingly left because she knew that her husband would assist her family with their financial difficulties. The marriage began happily, but it wasn't long until her husband began bringing other women into their home. Her sister accepted the affairs because her family was in need for money and her husband was willing to give them as much as they needed. Aanjali knew that her sister did not love her husband. She only married him because she needed his financial stability. 

When Anjali turned 15 her other sister got married. She married her wealthy boyfriend whom she loved dearly. He loved her too... until after their marriage. A couple months after their wedding Anjali's sister went back home because her husband beat her. This was not the first time he beat her and it was not going to be the last time either. She did not want to go back but her mother was not going to accept her back into her house. She had no choice but to go back to her abusive husband. 

Having witnessed her father leave her mother, her brother not being able to love his wife, and her two older sisters' loveless marriages, Anjali lost any hope she had in 'true love'.

Anjali met her Mr. Right when she was grocery shopping with her mother at their tiny village's only grocery store. She did not know who he was so clearly she had no idea that they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together. After passing by each other in the grocery store they always appeared at the same places at the same times. Mr. Right noticed these 'coincidences' and became intrigued. 

One day while Anjali was out playing in the fields with her friends, Mr. Right approached her. Anjali was surprised by his sudden interest in her because to her he was a stranger. All the times that they were both at the same places at the same times she never noticed him. She became very cautious of him and left the fields with her friends before he was even able to have a conversation with her. 

They met again and again through pure coincidences and he slowly fell for her. He tried talking to her but she never gave him much of her time. Anjali was just not interested in this stranger; or at least that was the impression she gave off. The truth was, Anjali did notice him. She caught a glimpse of him at the grocery store and noticed him at the theater, the restaurant, and everywhere she went. She did not let him know that because she was afraid. Anjali did not want to end up like her sisters. She knew that men's love would not last and she did not want to experience the heartbreak that she knew she would get. Because of this fear Anjali pushed him further away as he tried to get closer. 

When Anjali turned 18, her mother told her about her arranged marriage. The news devastated her. She knew that this day was coming, but the devastation was due to her growing regret of not allowing herself to give Mr. Right a chance. Mr. Right had suddenly vanished after she was informed of her marriage and when Anjali no longer saw him wherever she went, she realized she missed his presence. She made up her mind to forget about him and marry the man her mother had chosen for her. 

The wedding took place a month later. The wedding was the most beautiful anyone has ever seen, but that day Anjali was even more beautiful. Following tradition the bride and groom had a veil over their faces. After the ceremony, they were taken to their room where they would lay eyes upon one another for the first time. When the groom lifted his bride's veil, Anjali's eyes opened to its widest. She recognized the face. She knew the man who was now her husband. He was the one who had suddenly vanished after causing her to notice him.

         The first few months of their marriage, Anjali was a very quiet wife. She worked hard to be the perfect housewife and daughter-in-law, but she still kept her distance from her husband. She did not open her heart to him because she knew that his interest in her was going to fade soon and she did not want to be the one left behind in this love. 

Mr. Right noticed his wife's wall between them, but he loved her still. She was his wife so he took his time trying to open up her heart. He was a very sweet husband. He watched her with much love every morning when she tied on his tie for him. Every morning he gave her a hug before leaving for work. He called her whenever he could to make sure she was not bored being home alone. Every week he bought a bouquet of red roses and brought them home to her. 

On the weekends he got up before she did and made her breakfast and brought it to her in bed. He would take her out to the movies, they shopped together, and he just took her everywhere in order to spend more time with her. Whatever he could do for her, he did. Whatever she needed, he provided it for her. He never made her shed a tear, but he also did not see her truly smile. 

One night, after a couple hours in bed thinking about her relationship with her husband and how sincere he had been with her, she turned from lying on her left side to her right side and faced her husband for the first time since their wedding. When daylight broke through the curtains, he felt his wife next to him. He lifted the blanket and saw her lying close to him. He smiled, gently slipped his arm under her head and embraced her. 

That morning on, Anjali slowly opened her heart to her husband and began to show her love for him. He continued loving her as he always did. His love for her did not end after just the first few years, which was what she was most afraid of before accepting him. No, his love for her continued strongly through 5... 20... 50 years. They had a very happy marriage and had many children to share their love with.

Happiness is not meant for everyone. Everyone loves, but true love only appears when the right people are together. Anjali's parents were not meant to spend the rest of their lives together. Her siblings did not marry the right people, so even if there was love it was not true love; therefore it did not last. True love happens only once in a lifetime. There are some people who never find their other half and never experience what true love is. There are those fortunate ones like Anjali and her Mr. Right who find each other and live happily, loving one another until their last breath.

         My name is Aanjali Shaan and I believe in true love. I am one of those lucky ones who found my Mr. Right and have been living every day experiencing true love.

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