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It was a cool winter's day, too cool even for poros to leave their hole, snow slowly falling down onto the ground, covering like a blanket the trails of the crime.

In the bushes, warriors sat in wait, unmoving, waiting for their target to come around. Metal, hidden in pockets, was waiting to drink enemy's blood, faces were anxious in more that one way, but mostly eager to fight, to kill, to win.

They were waiting for their prey.

As the snowfall started increasing in rate, and they were worried it was going to cover the bait, their prey finally appeared.

White fur on whitch sparkled snowflakes was covering the whole of her body and partially the head, shielding her bright blue eyes from the snow. She got a slightly worried expression once she found the corpse, a contrast to her previously thoughtful expression. Her step, until now slow, like she had all the time in the world, was now quicker. Her posture had lost some of it's pride to make space for a sense of nervousness - she was on edge, wound up.

She glanced at the corpse on the ground, inspecting it for a moment, as one of the shadows gestured torwards her.

That was what all the warriors had been waiting for - the premission to attack.

She was too fast though - who would have thought she would have such good insticts, they should have went damp by that point. They had to throw kniges at her now.

The warriors were certain they were to succeed nevertheless. And yet, it didn't work.

And as the first attack came, she was running.

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