Chapter 1 : Introduction

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Hi, I'm Emily Spring, an 11th grader at the Four Seasons Academy. I have 3 other friends. There's something special about all of us. Let's just say we are the only kids of our kind at the academy. (The picture above is how Emily looks ^^)

"Emily!" A voice called out to me, "Catch the ball!" It said again. That's my friend Ky Winter. She's in the same grade at me.

Okay let's sort everything out. The academy is split up into four sections, the four seasons. She's part of the winter group and I, the spring. I have another two friends, Radke Summer and Hun Autumn. You can tell which section you're from by the surname you're given. Four Seasons academy is a boarding school. I really don't know why a school like this even exists. The four of us were sent here because of the troubles happening at home. Okay, I'm lying. We were sent here because we're orphans.

I threw the ball back to Ky, "Hey! No fair!" It flew passed her. I threw too high, "I'm so sorry!" I said and checked the time, "No... Ky I'm late for class! I gotta go!" I ran off leaving here there, "Okay" I heard her say.

I rushed in the door, "I'm sorry I'm ... late... what the? Where is everyone?" I checked my phone. Oh it's Saturday... I forgot. I'm going over to Hun's maybe everyone's there.

I used a spare key to get into her dorm, "Hun, is that you? Are you back?" A make voice approached me, "You're not Hun. Who are you?" A guy wearing an apron and it looks like he was mixing batter in a bowl appeared. He lifts up his wooden spoon and points at me, "Where's Hun? What did you do with her?" I stood there in total and utter disbelief. My mouth was probably on the floor. My eyes didn't blink. It was as if I were a statue.

"Uhm... Miss Not Hun... are you okay?" He asked putting the bowl on the table beside him. Quickly, I collected myself and replied calmly, "I'm not Hun. Hun is my friend. Do you know where she is?"

"She messaged me saying she was going to the ice cream parlor with a friend and she'll be back whenever she gets back. You can see why I mistook you for her." He said picking up the bowl and walking to the kitchen. Me following close behind, "What's your name Miss Not Hun?" He asked, "Emily." I state simply, "What section are you from? Don't worry I won't tell on you. I've noticed a lot of people from other sections sneak in here for a couple of hours before going back." He spoke fast, "Spring." Again, I state simply.

"Wow! I hear that section is really nice! Your training field must be so cool!" He became hyper. Wait just a minute, how does he know about my training field. Only the four of us (Emily, Hun, Ky and Radke) have special training fields. We have this privilege so we can learn to use our powers. Other than that we use the training field that all the other students use. A hand began waving in front of my face, "Mi- I mean Emily. Yoo hoo~ you awake there?"

"Yeah sorry. Hey I didn't catch your name?" I say, "It's Miller." He smiled.

Four seasons (Book 1) :SpringWhere stories live. Discover now