Chapter one

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      On April 17,1999 Dori Monroe woke up to the sound of crashing thunder that nearly gave her a heart attack as she got out of bed to go get some water she heard the front door open frightened she hid in her closet hoping and praying that she wouldn't get hurt Dori begin to peek over the side of the closet to see her mother laying on the sofa she came out the closet with such relief looking into the living room she saw a man in their kitchen drinking a glass of orange juice that was only intended for mornings as her mother would say, Dori slowly backed up but the creaking floor boards did her no justice the man walked out the kitchen and saw Dori in the hallway and said " Hi I'm a friend of your mom she passed out at work so I brung her home I hope your ok with me having a drink " Dori terrified not knowing this man didn't respond she saw her mom begin to wake up he walked over to her to check her breathing she was fine when she finally was able to open her eyes she said " Paul what are you doing here " Paul replied " you fainted at work today and I had to bring you home " Dori's mother stunned to know what happened she thanked Paul for the help as he left out the door.

The next morning Dorie woke up to the smell of hot breakfast she rushed out of bed to the kitchen, when she entered she said " good morning mama are you feeling better " her mother responded " yes baby I'm fine to sit down and hurry up we want to get to the store early before it gets crowded " Dorie begin to eat her food but before she could take a bite there was a knock at the door " Open this door Carol !" she looked at Dorie and said " Run in my room and hide in the basement I'll be their " Dorie ran to her mother's room and opened the basement door as she entered she saw her mother slide the couch in front of the door. Dorie went down into the basement she could still hear the man screaming "Carol open this Damn door " her mother ran into the room and rushed into the basement with her as she locked the door behind them they both heard the front door  bust open , Dori and her mother sat quietly in basement listening to the foot steps get closer and when he entered the room Dorie begin to cry slowly but silently Dorie suddenly stopped crying and listen to the man's voice it was her father Benjamin Hamden the man she used to watch beat her mother before he left about two years ago after  she called the police when he threatened to kill her and her mother from that point in her life she learned to trust no one .  "Carol ! Where are you come on out you know I love you " as he finished talking Dori's mother said " follow me " Dori watched as her mother take her to another trap door she said" crawl up there once you get to the top there's another door open it and run no matter what you hear " Dori crawl up the steep stairs as she got closer to the stop she heard yelling then a gun shot she turned around and saw her mother crawling up the stairs in a way she felt relieved because she thought her Mother would have been the one who was shot as they reached the top and crawled out Dori saw her father walking out of the house holding his chest and breathing heavy Dori's mother grabbed her by the shoulder's and said " don't trust anyone not even the ones who claim they love you" Dori nodded and said " yes mama".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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