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With his heart pounding in his chest, he stood in front of the intimidating, old oak door: the door that he swore he would never come to again. Taking a deep breath, he slowly raised his hand to knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Silence. He knew no one was going to be in there; no one ever was. That was the sole reason he had gone there in the first place.  

Plucking all the courage from deep inside his soul, he tentatively pushed the creaky door open to reveal the small room he could only dream of forgetting. Inside was exactly the same as before: the same cold flagstone floors were chipped and scuffed from years of constant abuse; the same old rustic fireplace stood proud in its spot along the back wall; the same tired, droopy sofa, shrunk into the corner was ripped and torn from wear and the same off-white sheepskin rug that tried it's hardest to give the room a more comfortable feel.  

Focusing on one particular tear in the sofa, he tried to prevent the memories of this room from reoccurring. He didn't want to remember what this room had witnessed: the memories that caused him many sleepless nights; the memories that had caused so much pain and anguish; the memories he wanted to forget.  

"Seth?" a cold, hoarse voice brought him abruptly out of his thoughts: a voice that underneath the cold, rough exterior was a voice that he knew too well - far too well. A voice that he thought he would never hear again; a voice that he prayed he would never have to hear again. Slowly, he turned around on his heels to face the owner of the voice, praying silently that it wouldn't be who he thought.  

She was exactly how he remembered: long, untamed, jet black hair that cascaded in wild curls down her back; large, innocent emerald eyes - heavily lined with dark eyeliner - that bore into his icy blue orbs and soft blood red lips tugged into a teasing smirk - the exact same as he remembered. But something about her presence was different: whether it was the long, silken blood red ball gown that hung gently off her body or the fact that her normally pale skin was pearly white - almost translucent - as the little light from the dimly lit room reflected against it. Something about her felt different and it didn't feel good.  

"Rayven?" he asked, his normally strong voice barely came out a whisper as he took in the sight before him. "N-no, it can't be? 

"Yes, Seth," she said calmly, advancing towards him: the scarlet train of her gown gliding gracefully along the floor.  

"B-but y-you're-" he spluttered, taking small backwards steps away from her.  

"Dead?" she cut him off raising an eyebrow as her eyes pierced into his ocean blue gaze. "Am I dead, Seth? Do I look dead?"  

"N-no," he gulped as his back slammed against the cold stone wall. Now he was trapped.  

"And I wonder what killed me, Seth?" she was now stood directly in front of him. His breath hitched as her raised her hand and caressed his cheek with her scarlet fingernails. She pressed her head next to his ear sending her cold breath to dance down his neck. "What killed me, Seth? Or should I say who killed me?" 

He gulped, bowing his head to study his shoes and flinching as he razor-sharp nails trailed down his neck to just above the pulse point on his neck.  

"Do you know what it feels like to die?" she breathed in his ear, triggering a cold sweat to trickle down the back of his neck.  

"N-no," he stammered, avoiding eye contact. Swiftly, her free hand clasped the bottom of his chin and yanked it up, his gaze to lock with her emotionless one.  

"Well, too late now," she whispered, an evil grin stretching across her face. Slowly, she applied more pressure to his neck, causing her dagger-like nails to pierce the skin, causing him as much pain as possible.  

He screamed: an ear splitting, blood curdling scream, shattering the silence of the deserted building.  

Quickly, she removed her nails from his neck and watched, smirking, as his limp body crashed onto the cold, stone floor. 

Expertly avoiding the pool of blood that was slowly seeping from his punctured neck, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door and screaming to the heavens': "Karma's a bitch!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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