1. Staring

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Ethan stared at me from across the room. My face flared up in embarrassment. I was never one to be looked at as attractive, or even being a little appealing. Usually when I liked someone my social anxiety took over. Heck, I couldn't be in a relationship if I wanted to. Let alone, order something at McDonald's by myself. It's so hard to get by everyday, I don't need pressure to look good with Ethan staring at me all the time. It's making me angry.

"Everyone grab your books from under your seats," Mr.Wilson announced.
I panicked quick. If I bend over and grab my book, what if I break a sweat? Someone will judge me.

I let out a sigh and quickly grab my book as fast as I could, before anyone could catch me in the act.
Successfully grabbing my book without moving around too much, I smile to myself.

I really thought nobody was looking at me. But even though I didn't see anyone look at me, I still felt...watched.


Ethan's POV

I watched her the whole time. She was just interesting to watch. Every move she made was so careful and delicate. Like her bones were thin glass and she made sure not to break anything.

"Everyone grab your books from under your seats," Mr.Wilson asked. I saw panic light up in Belle's face. I let out a soft chuckle. The shyness suited her image well. What? Shy girls are always the cutest. Sue me.

Belle looked over at me while we began reading from the textbook. I softly blushed and turned away. Way to let her know your secretly stalking her. Gosh, I'm such an embarrassment.


Belle's POV

Why does he keep staring at me? I wish I could yell out "Ethan, stop staring at me you gorgeous devil-" that thought came out wrong. I feel my cheeks turn into a bright shade of pink. I look over at Ethan to see if he catches me in the act. He looks away immediately and blushes as well. God can this get anymore awkward????

"See you after break," Mr.Wilson says, I quickly grab my books and run out of the classroom.

I know I may be hallucinating, but I swear,
I saw Ethan following me.


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