I totally would LOVE to go on a life-threatening mission. Said no one ever!

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Chapter 1: I totally would LOVE to go on a life-threatening mission. Said no one. Ever!

There was an emergency meeting in the meeting hall and I wanted nothing to do with it.

It was probley a mission or something and they had no one who wanted to go so they had no other choise but to ask the students. Pitty really.

I took a set naxt to some cool popular girls and like the rude selfish girls they are they moved to a new table.

"You are rude, selfish, inconsiderate, people I hope you rot some where never to be found again!" I yelled at them only to get glares from other students who think I'm insane for yelling at the 'cool kids'.

Just then the headmaster came though the stage doors in his hands a piece of paper (most likely the mission) and stand in front of the microphone and he waited to get our attention.

"So now that I got your full attention. I have a surprise for you all, but only four of you can go on a mission and thoses four are-"

I bit my bottem lip.

Please don't be me. Please don't be me. Please don't be me. Please do-

"Nathan, Lurance, Candy, and last but not least Tiffany."

Why! What have I done to deserve this! Does he hate me? I was always a great student so why is he sending me to die?!

"Those four are now released to pack and meet me in my office when your ready."

I slowly get up to run in my room to pack and probly write my will. Because its a small chance that I'll come back. And there's like a 99% chance I'll die. And I don't even know what it is yet.

I walked into my room and grab my infinitey bag. It is what its called. It never runs out of space which means I can put all my stuff in there so no one can steal it. Like they would ever go in my room

"Now to write the will, and give all my stuff to no one."

I grab a piece of paper and sat down.

I just want to say all I wanted was a dog or a friend to talk to, to get my struggles and help me with them so I would have at least someone to stand up for and for someone to stand up for me. But you never let me have a dog and you people seem to hate me for no reason, so I am gonna hopefully get a dog or a some-what friend on this dum mission and if I live I gonna boast to you all that I made new a friend, or a new companion. Also I hate you all and hope you have a nice life.

Love from the one you hate,

Tiffany Pines

P.S. Why the heck would you send four teens in a mission? That's stupid, but I know you won't care what I think so.... Hope your all happier without me.

Goodbye hopefully not forever.

"I guess that's it. At least I didn't spend time making friends or that would have been sad."

I walked down the hall to the headmaster's office. Once I walked though the door Candy and Nathan were already there. So the only person left was Lurance. I sat on the couch with Candy and Nathan, my death friends. Or just people who want nothing to do with me.

The headmaster looked at the clock. "Now were is Lurance?"

As if on cue Lurance burst though the door and jump on the couch next to me using his fingers to close the door.

"What I miss?"

"Nothing your right on time."

"Crap! I wanted to miss something."

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