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In a mystical forest there's a peaceful kingdom named Morgan . Morgan is one of the Nine Kingdoms populated with fox people or yokai fox .
Morgan is the most powerful in the Nine Kingdom.
Morgan is ruled by a good and nice king and queen.
They are pure ninetales.
The king's name is Arius.
While the queen's name is Erica.
They have a daughter . The princess has five tails when she grows up she will grow several tails.
Her hair is black unlike her father's and mother's hair is silvery white .
When the princess was 10 the kingdom of Morgan was attacked by the kingdom of Mistral.
When Mistral attacked Morgan.
Mistral attacked with armies of monsters and soldiers they were leaded by a young prince titled The Dark Prince.
The Dark Prince is heir to the throne of mistral .

Eternal Destiny : Destined from the beginning (ENG)(Discountinued For Now)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang