A Wraith A Cat and Atlantis (Stargate Atlantis). Complete.

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There seemed to be few things in Atlantis, the great city of the ancients, that could accommodate a wraith. Not that the ancients were ever on good terms and willing to entertain them. At best, Guide thought to himself, there were rooms that were dim enough as to give his eyes a rest and not blind him with the unbearable amount of light needed for the humans to see well enough to get around.

That would be by luck, however.

He had no doubt, if the lights aboard his hive were at any time this bright that he would receive hundreds of complaints, as such he should if he ever let his hive fall in to human standards. It was a light so harsh it affected the brain as well as the eyes. He would make no man work in such conditions.

As humans go, though, they didn't seem to care much less notice he was in quit some degree of discomfort.

At least on his hive, he had offered Sheppard and his people food and a place to rest in while they discussed the first ill fated retrovirus attempt, despite the lives lost it had cost him. They could not feed him, or they were not willing to, but they could have inquired about his comfort.


Most of them at least. More than once he had caught the gaze of Steelflower and was sure that she had noticed his-

Teyla... her name was Teyla. She was no more Steelflower than she was an actual Wraith queen, an act, but the act had been so good that he had often got caught up in the lie himself. Towards the end, it had taken all his mental ability not to think of how much he wished there was a way to truly turn her into a Wraith queen and not loss any part of Steelflower that lay within.

*Guide...  Have I to tell you again?*  The reply came like a whip and startled him, though it was nothing he wasn't used to and he found that with his guard down, it was easy to slip back into the lie.

The firmness of the tone almost made him bow, but holding himself, Guide replied with a small amount of humor, aware that she could already tell he wanted nothing more than what she had told him he was not allowed.

*No my young queen, it is just the feeble wishes of an old wraith who dreams of a queen such as yourself to drive his hive forwards. Besides, I do believe if I ever tried such a thing you would promptly show me how wrong I was to do so...*

He felt a small amount of amusement on her end, another thing that he had resigned himself to being used to.

"So". The look Sheppard seemed to only wear when he was in the room was not directed at him, or anyone in the room, but Guide knew it was for him. Where humans were normally hard to read Sheppard was much like what they called an open book. If that was good or bad, who could say.

"Dr. Keller, Guide. Thanks for coming on such short notice. I know you planned on staying a while longer Keller but the IOA demanded we bring you back and in their words 'have a talk and make sure your fine'. You know how it is".

And indeed, everyone knew how it was with the so called IOA they often spoke of, even he knew of them, to a point and how they tended to get in the way and make things difficult. Jennifer had informed him well of just how much trouble they tended to be.

Just a part of one of their many long talks on his Hiveship.

"It's no problem, really. Guide was more than happy to provide transport and it gives him the opportunity to go over some things with you. Also, I was in need of some supplies. There was an outbreak of fever among those on the hive who were there for routine blood tests. It drained a lot of the medicines I took with me".

There was a pause, the room silent until Keller spoke again.

"Oh, not to do with the retrovirus, no. Just a normal run of the mill fever. With so many people coming from so many planets it was inevitable it would happen. This time round anyone who had taken the virus we tried to leave them get over it naturally, to see if their own immune systems gained anything or lost anything from the virus, but everyone remained mostly the same and in the end I ended up wanting rid of the illness, it was hard to maintain untainted results from the retrovirus".

A Wraith A Cat and Atlantis (Stargate Atlantis).            Where stories live. Discover now