~Explaining the Game~

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"Neko Atsume" is a game for good cat lovers, namely me, and lots of other people.

It's a fun game where you can buy items

(such as)
-fish to buy the food and the toys

Your choices of food are-

-frisky bits (which you don't have to buy)

-ritzy bits (buy for three golden fish)

-bonito bits (buy for seven golden fish)

-deluxe tuna bits (buy for twelve golden fish)

When you click on a can of food or a toy

it shows you what it does

(These are some Examples)

- Tunnel (3D piece)

A tunnel that bends every which way.
It's like a secret world that your cat will never get sick of exploring.

- Cat Metropolis

This cat city has it all: platforms, scratching posts, and plenty of room to roam!
Cats who come will never leave!

- Head Space

Give your feline some me time in this cushion shaped like a cat's head complete
with cute kitty ears!

(Just know that that was from the game, it's just for the people who don't have the game- they can look off of that just as a starter.

At the beginning of the game where it says "You can refill your cats bowl anytime"
and if you don't know how to do that
I will tell you!
All you have to do is tap it!
Once you tap it you can refill it!

Your ready to start the game!
Feel free to ask some questions if you don't know how to do something on Neko Atsume
I will answer them pretty quick!

Read the next chapter to figure out how to find some rare cats!

(P.S. My friend told me to not get the plastic bag! So beware!

-Neko Atsume- Rare Cats GuideWhere stories live. Discover now