We are salad.

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"'Cause you are a girrrrrrrrrl, I'm a boyyyyyyyyyy" Baro sang loudly as he emerged from his room and into the kitchen. It was quite a dreary day in the boys' dormitory, and today's mission for B1A4? They had to start packing for their world tour! They hadn't even performed in Seoul quite yet, but Papa WM knew that they would be tired after the concert, so today was their day off and Baro was bursting with energy.

Right now was break time and Baro was very hungry.

Baro opened up the cabinet, still humming their newest hit "You Are a Girl I Am A Boy". He took out a Ramen container and stared at it for a few moments. He pouted. The last time he ate a Cup Ramen, it had been Sandeul's. The end result? They had gotten into a huge argument. Baro shuddered at the thought and opened the refrigerator. Amongst some Gatorade, corn silk water, dragonfruit, apples, and iced green tea, he found a head of lettuce.

"Everything is always so healthy here..." he muttered to himself and pulled it out. He shrugged and figured that perhaps being healthy for the concerts was for the better, so he started to chop it up.

"I can't just eat lettuce on it's own, though. It needs more vegetables!" So the hungry Baro picked up a carrot, chopped it up, and added it to the salad.

"Lettuce...carrots...alright that's okay..." Baro nodded and looked at his unfinished creation. He needed two more vegetables though to make it a better salad. He opened the fridge again, but no more vegetables were left!

"Out of vegetables? Seriously?" Baro groaned and rolled his eyes. He huffed and stormed right back to the chopping board when he saw something in the corner of his eye.

"Could it be?" He asked himself and turned back around.

Right in front of his eyes was a beautiful tomato plant with shiny green leaves and the two reddest, plumpest tomatoes one ever did see.

"I have been blessed," he said lightly, putting his hands together and staring at the ceiling. He ran over to the plant and began to pluck the tomatoes off of the branch. He kissed one of them, thankful for its beauty in looking delicious. He immediately ran back to the chopping board, eager to slice and dice the ruby red beauties to be put into his afternoon snack. He then took out his prized bottle of his favorite salad dressing, flipping it in his hand before unscrewing the lid.

"I'm a vegetableeeeee, BANA is dressinggggg" he sang, replacing the lyrics to the tune stuck in his head. He started thinking about how without the help of his fellow BANAs, he might not have been able to make such a salad!

Finally, the salad was complete. Baro hurriedly put all of the remaining ingredients away before he could look at his masterpiece.

"We are salad." He said aloud, a smile stretched wide across his face. He began to turn his phrase into a rap.

"Salad, salad. We are salad. Salad, salad. I like salad." He chanted out loud. He laughed and searched his pocket for his phone. He had to update his Instagram! But alas, he sighed, for he had left his phone sitting in his room again.

"Don't disappear, salad. I'll be right back," he called aloud to the plate before running off. This was a picture he couldn't afford to miss taking!


Sandeul's head jerked up. "Salad? Did somebody mention food?" He thought to himself. He had been packing all day long and was starving. However, he had been too lazy to make his own food earlier. He hoped that Jinyoung would come back from his shopping expedition with some meat for everyone to share.

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