Chapter One

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Chapter one


Faint alarm sound woke me up. I swear the only thing that stopping me from smashing the living light of this noisy thing is its actually my phone.

 I groaned "five more minutes" 

After a few minutes of short nightmares where I getting late to school over and over again I get up grumpily and head towards the bathroom. 

It's Friday.

After 15 minutes later I got out of bathroom freshly showered and "happily" walked into my closet which is full of clothes my mother send me.

Every shirt, dress, blouse she chose for me are too colorful and bright for me.

But I managed to find black jeans and loose shirt saying "I'm one of them" with aliens under them and black sneakers. 

Yeah, black is my color

After I dressed I checked for my belongings books, wallet, phone and head towards the kitchen.

Even though, I've been living here for last two weeks I'm still not used to it.

Everything feels new as I observe my new apartment once again. The walls and floor are white and furniture are combination of white and gold.

If I don't like it because of It's good design, I certainly like this house because of the view. 

It's like I can see the whole New York city.

I glance at clock on the wall and quickly picking up a bottle of water and starting to prepare something to eat.

 'Always eat your breakfast' her words come into my mind but I shake it away. 

Now we can't start Monday with some liar's words, can we?

I finished my breakfast and run towards elevator, pushing the buttons multiple times like it would make it come faster.

While walking towards my car I check my phone for any messages. One from my friend Christina. "Where R U?"

I'm so glad I made a friend in such a short time, but I'm a horrible friend who promised to give her a ride to school today and completely forget.

When she saw me parking outside of her house, run towards my car and gets the shotgun.  

I can say my friend is stunner with her shoulder length blonde hair and white knee length dress and navy blue jacket .

"Can we please get out of from here? I have a lot to tell you and" pointed towards the clock "we're getting late" she said with a big grin

"Okay" was the only my response.

" CHASE ASKED ME OUT YESTERDAY" she yelled as soon as we pulled from her driveway

"Why I'm knowing this now?" I asked with grin and cocked eye brow. I'm her best friend and she's telling me her crush asked her out the day after that day.

"Sorry I lost my mind with him. He stayed at my house until this morning" she giggled and little blush forming into her cheeks.

We parked in the school parking lot and rush towards the school. 

Thank god we're made just in time. Getting my books from my locker Christina beside me we run through the hallway like a madman.

Once we get to the class, I feel myself calming little bit. Mr I still didn't remember his name is teaching some formula on the blackboard and I found myself copying the it.

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