Chapter 1

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Kirsty's pov
"Kirsty have you got everything? Your tooth brush, all your clothes, money? That's the most important your money, you can't live off your best friend." She flustered carrying my bags into the airport. "Mum I have everything, I promise. I've still got my ski money, I'll be okay," I reassured her giving her one last hug before they called my flight. We said our last goodbyes. I felt terrible it's just me and my mum after my dad passed away a year ago but I'm not into all that sob story stuff. She waved me off and I went through the gate and texted Danny. "Hey blue eyes, that's me waiting on my plane, will you be waiting for me at the airport?" I texted him quickly before I was about to board the plane.

I found my seat pretty quickly when I got on the plane and I was sat beside two older men that clearly were not in the mood to talk. The plane was only a couple hours long so I fell asleep for a bit then listening to a bit of music. I heard over the loud speaker that my plane was landing in a few minutes. I was getting butterflies in my stomach I hadn't seen Danny in three years. We are still best friends of course but he's now got his YouTube channel and his other best friend that I've never met. By the time I thought about Danny our plane had landed and I was in the terminal building waiting for my bags. I got a quick text from Danny telling me that he was waiting for me. As soon as I got my bags I was out looking for Danny.

I looked all around me and then I saw a boy running over in his usual jeans and flannel with two Starbucks cups in his hands. "Dimples!!!" He shouted. "Blue eyes!!!" And I screamed in reply. Then I ran into his arms and he span me around. It felt like a scene from a movie. After our extremely long hug he took a couple of my bags and we walked out to the car. "Oh my god, look at my little ski champion. How are you doing?" He giggled, while I got into the car. We talked for a while but then I fell silent as we started to get close to his house and my old town. I saw my old school, my training ski slope and oh the park everything happened at this park. "Danny what's your friend Paul like?" I asked nervously, I'm not going to lie I've always kind of  had a crush on him. "Well Paul is my best friend in the whole wide world apart from you of course," he joked and I hit him lightly on the leg and he giggled.

We pulled up at his house and I started to feel nervous, sick almost. He pulled me in close and started to talk, "don't worry about Paul I already told him your off limits." Even though I had never met the boy I was a bit annoyed, I didn't understand why Danny got to decide this for me but by the time I could say anything we were already in the house. As soon as I was in the house I relaxed I felt like I was home again, this house has so many amazing memories. I jumped up and down, everything was now becoming real, I know live with my best friend in the world. I felt like an excited puppy I dropped my bags and ran into the living room. I was just about to jump on the couch when I saw someone's head from the back of the sofa. My heart started to pump, my hands turned clammy and my head started to spin. He turned around and stood up, "hi my names Paul."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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