Chapter 1

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I was on stage waiting then I went to go kill the guard as I tore his chest open and threw him in the back for a suit I saw a portal that seemed to lead to the future another pizzeria so me being a sneaky sneak I go through I go into shadow form and sneak around I saw what seemed to be, us? But I couldn't find a, me it sounds so weird saying that we look so old I walked to what seemed to be the back of the pizzeria then I saw the other me I pushed up against the wall and stay still but I was purple when he was gone I slowly walked down the hall shit I'm running low on shadow power I thought to myself so I go to the office and see the guard his name tag says mike WARNING WARNING shadow power 10% wait what I'm not iron man, what ever I go and hide behind the guard and every time he turns around I crouch I had to bend my ears weird but I needed power, power level 50 yes I go into shadow and exit the portal
To be continued

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