Not My Type

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"Now what is your band name?" a man asked two toddlers. One was about three and the other was two. "Matt and Ryan." The three year old smiled. "One, two, three, go!" a woman cheered. The two toddlers began to play their toy guitars as they both sang.

Once they were done, the two year old hit his head and bowed. "Tank you, tank you, tank you!" The woman could be heard laughing. The three year old walked over to the man and smiled. "Papa, I got to tell you something." He said. "What is it Matt?" he asked him.

"Me and Ryan are gonna be on tv when we are bigger." Matt smiled. "I know you will. You two are my shooting stars."

A twenty year old Matthew Sly smiled down at his phone. "We're on TV papa." He smiled.

"Matty, we have five minutes to get ready before we go out." said a shaggy blonde hair, hazel eyed nineteen year old boy. "Okay Ryan!" Matt smiled.

He stood up, looked in the mirror, pushed his raven haired locks back and straightened the collar of his leather jacket. There was a knock at the dressing room door.

"Com-'' and before Ryan could finish his sentence, their manager Jamie came in. "Hey boys! Okay, you're gonna go out there and you'll be asked questions about your personal life. Then Conan's planning on asking if there are any special girls that you guys have written about in the newest album. I know you guys know the answers to them." Jamie smiled.

"Jamie, you go over this with us before all of our interviews. We know the drill." Ryan laughed. "I know, I know." Jamie smiled, "I was thinking earlier, it's hard to believe that only two years ago, you two were just starting out in the business. You guys have grown up right before my eyes."

"Don't make me get all emotional before I go out on television!" Matt laughed. The boys walked over and had their usual group hug with Jamie.

"Matt and Ryan, you're on." A producer called. "Knock' em dead boys!" Jamie smiled and walked out of the dressing room with the boys.

"My next guests have risen to the top of the charts, sold out shows, and to all the dad's out there, lock up your daughters! Please welcome Matt and Ryan Sly, the Lonesome boys!" Conan said.

The two brothers walked out, Ryan and then Matt. They shook Conan's hand and sat down, waiting for the cheers of all the teenage girls in the audience to die down. Once it did, Conan looked at his guests and smiled.

"It's been awhile since I last saw you two, how've you two been?" Conan asked. "Pretty good, wouldn't you say Ryan?" Matt asked his brother. "I do declare brother dear, we've been quite busy." Conan laughed at Ryan's voice.

"Ryan, your hair has gotten longer since I last saw you!" Conan said. "I know, I'm trying to be the blonde, English, better looking version of Harry Styles."

"OHHHHHHHH!" the girls in the audience cheered. "So, I'm guessing you two don't like One Direction?" Conan asked. "Their nice boys, well, three of them are." Matt smirked.

"I just love when you boys come." Conan smiled, "Before I forget, you guys did an amazing job at the People's Choice Awards the other night! How many awards did you get?"

"Three." Ryan said. "Group, song, and album," Matt smiled. "You guys are really getting to the top." Conan smiled. "Our grandma has told us since we were little to always shoot for the top, because even if we miss we'll land among the stars." Ryan smiled.

"That's so true. Now, on to the new album, why'd you guys decide to call it What We're About?" they were asked. "We decided on this name because these last two years, we've had so much hate thrown our way. Rumors would pop up, making us seem like something that we aren't. In our last album, we wrote all of our songs and were really in depth, but with this one, the emotions were more real in this album. We want everyone to know that we are much more than what the media plays us out to be." Ryan explained.

"We want to show the world what we're about." Matt smiled. "And you have. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Matt and Ryan Sly; the Lonesome Boys!"

"They are so hot!!" Hailey Baldwin cheered from Kendall Jenner's living room. "That was mean what they said about Harry." Kendall mumbled. "Ken, they're best friends with Taylor. They're going to stick up for her." Lauren called from the kitchen.

"Besides, you said that what happened with you and Harry over New Year's was it. Goodbye Hendall. One last time?" Hailey asked. "It was, that doesn't mean he isn't my friend anymore." Kendall said.

"Don't you remember freaking out in Mexico for Ky's birthday because Matt followed you?" Hailey asked, poking Kendall's side. "Oh stop. He's not my type anyways."

Sorry this chapter is short. I had more, but decided to save it for the next chapter. Love you my dolls!

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