Chapter 1

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Louis POV
Liam:Sorry mate!!Gonna be late for 5 mins!!
I sighed and replied
Louis:Damn it Liam can you just not be late for once??Are you fucking Zayn again??
Liam:Shut up!!
Louis:Be here in 5 mins or I'll leave
I locked my phone and looked around the coffee shop.Suddenly I saw a cute boy with curly hair and green emerald eyes drinking a cup of coffee.I took my phone and decided to just take a photo of this angelic boy.
One won't hurt right??I thought
I tapped the button and saw flash coming out from my camera.I mentally face palmed myself.
Really??Did I really forgot to turn off the flash?!
The customer in the cafe looked up at me.I felt my face redden a little bit when the boy stared at me with his beautiful eyes.
He smiled,taking his cup of coffee up and walked towards me.
"Hmmm just what do you think you're doing??Are you taking a photo of me??"He said,sitting down at my opposite side.
"Oops just clicked the wrong button."I replied,trying to lie.
"Oh really??Show me your picture then."He smirked when I face palmed myself.
"Alright I admit it.It wasn't an accident,I just thought you were...cute and that's all..."I whispered the last part.
"Thought I was what??"He smiled,showing his dimple.I suddenly feel weak when I saw his dimpled smile.
"U-uh...N-nothing..."I said blushing.
"Hummm interesting..."He nodded.
"What's your name,btw."I asked trying to change the topic.
"Changing the topic humm??Smart.My name is Harry."He said.
"My name is Louis."I said as I noticed Liam walking in.
"Hey Louis!!Oh who is this?"He asked pointing at Harry.
"Oh uhhhh this is Harry.Harry this is Liam."They both shakes hands.
"Seems like you have a friend here.Should I leave?"Liam smirked.
"Oh you don't have to.I'm going to leave anyways..."Harry said standing up."I'll see you around Lou,yeah??"
Did he just call me Lou??Only my close friends and family calls me Lou.
"Y-yeah I guess..."I shrugged.
"Nice meeting you."He said staring at me one last time.
"Bye!!"I said as he waved and left.
"Woah Louis he's quite hot tho."Liam teased me.
"Shut up!!"I hit his arm as he laughed.
"Okay why are you late again??You know you should arrive here earlier than the king."I said.
"You??King??Omg lol.No you're not"
"I need a good explanation or I'll tell everyone you're dating with Zayn."I said.No one except for me and Niall know that he's secretly gay and dating with Zayn.His mum is a homophobic and that's why he have to fake date a girl called Sophia.Sophia is a lesbian and just like Liam,her mum is a homophobic.Sophia is secretly dating with Gigi.I hate Liam's mum so much to be honest.Every time she saw me she'll have that disgusted look on her face as she know I'm gay.His father on the other hand support LGBT.His father is bi and again he never told his wife about this.
"No!!Pls don't do it.Fine I'll tell you why..."Liam sighed.
"You fucked Zayn again??"
"Who tops this time??"I asked curiously.
"Hey when did you become a Ziam shipper??Did Niall make you into one??"Liam said and I giggled.
"Maybe.Or maybe not."
"You know what Niall filmed the sex tape of you two fucking."I said and drank my coffee.
"What??When??How??Wtf is wrong with this kid??"
"Hey it's not my fault that kid is so into gay porn."
"Oh my god.I gonna talk to him."
"Why don't you go buy a cup of coffee first??"
"Oh yes I forgot about it...Wait for me."
When Liam went to the counter,I pulled out my phone and look at that picture I took of Harry.
He's so I'm gonna faint just looking at his photo.
I went to Twitter and searched Harry and the first result is "Harry_Styles"I tapped into the profile and look at his profile pic and followed him.He had a lot of followers and  I stalked him for a bit and suddenly someone dmed me.
Hey Lou.x
I look at who dmed me and gasped when I found out its Harry.
Oh god I'm becoming a fangirl now...
Louis:Hey Hazza:)
Harry:My name is not Hazza
Louis:I like to call you this way:)
Harry:Whatever.You still in the café??
Louis:Yes.How did you find my profile?
Harry:I should be the one asking this question.
Louis;Well I searched Harry and your profile is the first to pop up
Harry:You stalking me??
Louis:No-How did you find my profile??
Harry:The Notification.It showed you followed me and liked some of my pics
"Hey Lou who are you messaging??"Liam said coming back with a cup of coffee.
I jumped a little and immediately locked my phone as I heard his voice
"Jesus Christ don't scare the king like that!!"
I drank my coffee again and chatted with Liam until we both finished the cup of coffee.And all in my head is the boy,Harry.

Just what do you think you're doing??(l.s.)(BoyxBoy)(AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora