|Chapter One|

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Happy; such an outspoken word. It's used for many purposes. Saying you are happy, cause you got a puppy or an A on your test. Happy is a word I stopped using. I felt it was such a waste of saying when I never meant it.

          I woke up, dreading the day already. I looked over at my phone, which was currently going off due to my alarm. I turn it off and look at the screen, 7:30 it read across the screen.

          I groaned and got out of bed, I fumbled putting on my slippers and went downstairs. My father won't be up for another half hour, so I make breakfast and set it in the microwave for him and sit and eat my pancakes in silence.

          I my rinse my plate in the sink and put it in the dish waster,"Better run this when I get home," I think to myself heading out of the kitchen upstairs to take a shower. I look at the time on my phone, 7:50.

          "Great, I only have enough time to take a 5 minute shower" I sighed. I grab clean towels from my closet and head for the shower. I turn it on warm and do my business, then undressing and getting in the shower.

         Once I'm finished I climb out of the shower and grab my very fluffy towels. I walk out of the bathroom and into my room straight to my closet.

        "What to wear, what to wear?" I repeat tapping my foot. I look through and see my long sleeve cream colored sweeter that says, Meow on it. "Perfect" I smile and grab my dark washed ripped skinny jeans.

          I grab matching black lace undergarments, because I can look cute for myself thank you very much. I pull on my sweater and jeans letting my long, boring, dark brown hair down my back. I go in my dresser and grab some cream colored mid high socks and put them on over my jeans.

        I walk past the mirror going back to my closet, chuckling at myself for looking odd with my socks. "Good thing I'm wearing my combat boots", I continue to laugh. I grab my black combat boots and pull them on, zipping up the sides. I turn and look at the clock, 8:05.

          "Great I only have five minutes to get ready before I leave so I'm not late for school!" I groan falling back on my bed. "Why must school be so cruel and early?!" I groan again.

         "Because you need to learn sweetheart," a charming voice says startling me. He chuckles, "Did you make breakfast?" My father asks scratching the back of his head.

I held my hand to my chest and breathed out, "Yes it's in the microwave." I swear that man will give me a heart attack. I smiled at him before he left my door. I get up and sigh walking past the mirror again. "Forget it I'm not doing my make up today."

I head downstairs and grab my back by the front door. I head into the kitchen and grab my keys off the table and kiss my dad on the cheek telling him bye and heading outside to my car.

I look at my car, my dad just bought it for my 18th birthday a few months ago. It was a black Nissan Rouge, I loved it. I hop into the car and put my back in the passenger seat and drive to school.

         I pull into school singing, Chasing Cars. I pull into the school parking lot and grab my bag heading towards the building I call hell. I walk past everyone, not like they notice me and I'm completely fine with that.

But today I feel a pair of eyes on me. I feel uneasy, and walk faster to my locker. I feel like the eyes followed me, I shake it off. Maybe I'm just imagining things? I open my locker and grab my books needed for Math, History and my favorite English.

         I shut my locker and almost scream,

         "Hello beautiful," a very sexy brown haired guy purrs in my ear. I stare at him in disbelief. He's so attractive and I'm sitting here with my mouth open in shock as to why he's talking to me?

Wait what!? My mouth is open?! I quickly regain my posture, "Uhm. Hello?" I say confused.

He chuckles, "You're pretty cute little." Little? Did he seriously just call me little?! I may be 5'1 but that doesn't mean I'm little! Well he does look about 6'2.

        "I am not little." I said blankly. He stared at me for a second, he makes me feel nervous. Kinda self conscious, but it gives me butterflies. What the heck? I don't get butterflies! I just don't talk to boys!

"It's a nickname, little." He smirks, I blush. Oh how I wanna kiss that stupid smirk off his face, wait!? What has gotten into me. "What's your name, little?"

"Ella," I squeak and blush harder. He chuckles at me. That chuckle it makes my knees buckle, I hold onto the lockers for support. I manage to speak,"Yours?"

"Xavier, I'm new here little. Mind showing me around?" He leans in closer causing me to blush more.

What is this boy doing to me?

He calls me LittleWhere stories live. Discover now