Chapter 1~Eiffel Tower

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A dark brown haired brown eyed boy at around the age of twenty woke up and looked at the girl next to him.

Her messy, curly blonde hair was spread out in different places and her skin was as white as a porcelain doll, her black eyelashes resting delicately on her cheeks. She was sleeping peacefully and the sheets covered her petite body.

"Adam..." the girl murmured in her sleep as she wrapped her arms around him.

Adam smiled as he pulled her close to him.

"Mariah...I love you so much..." he whispered softly.

"Mmmmm....I love you too, Adam-chu~" she cooed before resting her head on his chest.

He stroked her hair softly with his hand and sighed.


Mariah woke up and noticed that the spot next to her was empty. She frowned, wondering where Adam had gone.

She got out of bed and wrapped the sheets around her.

"I wonder where Adam went..." she trailed off in her thoughts as she headed into the walk-in closet.

She rummaged through her closet and ended up wearing a blank tank top with brown skinny jeans and white high tops.

She came out of the closet and went into the crammed bathroom to brush her teeth.

Once she was done with that, she put on some black stud earrings with a black bead necklace around her neck.

She walked out of the bedroom and down the metal spiral staircase and into the living room, where Adam was, eating some waffles drenched in maple syrup and strawberry sauce along with chopped strawberries on top and whip cream on top of the strawberries. There was also a plate right across from him, signaling that he made breakfast for her, too.

He had on a black Ed Hardy shirt with baggy jeans and white skater shoes.

She smiled in his direction.

"Morning, Adam." she greeted.

Adam looked away from his plate of waffles and he smiled.

"Morning, hun." he greeted as she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Hey." she said as she sat down across from him and they began to eat.

"How'd you sleep last night?" he asked.

"It was great. Especially when you were next to me." she said shyly, which made him chuckle.

"I had a feeling you'd say that. I have to end up agreeing with you, though." Adam pointed out.

She giggled as they continued to eat.

"Adam," she put her fork down. "Paris is nice and all, but when will we be going to the next destination?" she asked.

"Mariah," he looked at her. "I was planning on staying here for about two more days. I find this a good time for our love to blossom even more. We just got together five months ago. After those two days, we go to Berlin." he explained.

"I love you too, Adam. But," she got up from her spot. "I would like to start traveling again." she said as she walked over to the sink with her plate.

Adam chuckled as he got up and followed her over to the sink with his plate in hand.

"Mariah...!" he rested his plate in the sink and wrapped his arms around her waist as she began to wash the dishes. "I want some quality time...!" he whined as he rested his head against her head.

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