The Downpour

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There go little droplets of rain
Falling to ease the pain
Going out from my eyes
For my emotion to arise

There go big droplets of tears
Falling slowly through my hair's sheers
Moistening out my ducts
Now that I'm fed with facts

I suddenly realized that you're not the one
That I will need in the years to come
Not my prince with a white horse
Neither will who help me with my future chores

I found out that you're a very good one
Only as a friend of mine and not as my man
Maybe, for now a talk's not good
But I know that someday, we'll be feasting on food

A conversation with you is all I need
To clear things out, for us to be freed
You know that I always loved you
In droughts and flood, in old and new

A downpour happened, it washed away the trashes
A cry happened and washed away the ashes
A downpour has stopped, the flowers now bloomed
As my crying halts, my personality got groomed.

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