From Dragon Slayer to Captain

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Chapter 1 :

The sound of cannons and artillery can can be heard everywhere as well as rifle and musket shots. Voices of soldiers and their weapons filled the air. On one side of the conflict we have the American continental army proceeding with their siege of Yorktown. On the other side the British army, the worlds most powerful military force being bombarded from both land by the Americans and sea by the French. However in the trenches just outside of Yorktown we have an American patriot waiting with his fellow soldiers for the order to charge and take the last defense of Yorktown. But this soldier is not ordinary soldier. This soldier has no reason to be in this war in fact this American soldier is not even an American, this soldiers name is Captain Natsu Dragneel.

Flashback :

Natsu left Magnolia and Fiore 3 years ago in order to train himself and explore new places. When Natsu left Fairy tail for his journey he had asked Lucy to take care of Happy. The rest of the guild were confused on why Natsu was leaving but Natsu told them he will return. Master Makarov told Natsu to be careful and come back safely. Natsu than left the guild building and headed towards a port city a day away from Magnolia. Natsu didn't tell anyone that he was leaving Fiore because he does not want them to worry. Natsu had heard of a colony called America where there's opportunity for all, and it was just to tempting for him to resist. Natsu got on a boat towards America but little did he know that he will be part of a war that will change the world forever.

Natsu arrived in Boston harbor and was instantly amazed by the city, it's people, and overall environment. One thing he noticed that his pink hair makes him stands out to much. Natsu then bought a hat to cover his head and continue to explore. 

Author's Note : Forgot to mentioned that Natsu is not as dense as he appears to be, he is a bit of a hot head no pun intended but he has more self control than anybody knows. He is still reckless but not too much. He only acts the way he did in Fairy tail because he just wanted to cheer everybody's up when their down. Also in America Natsu will not be using his magic because he wants to train himself physically.

Natsu than learns about the Revolution, The Boston Massacre, The British, and the man that he will soon meet General George Washington. Natsu than made a decision to join the American revolution even though he juts arrived in this soon to be nation. He than stayed in Boston living in a inn and got a job moving cargo and shipments in the ship dock. After a month of living in Boston Natsu became someone people can recognize if they stayed in Boston long enough. His happy and bright personality made people who met him smiled. 

October 5 1778, Natsu was enjoying his walk around town when he came across two american soldiers. "Hey are you guys patriots?" Natsu asked them excitedly. One of them soldier respond, "Why yes we are, is there something we can help you with?" "Yes where do I enlist?" Natsu told them. Both soldiers smiled at his question. One of the soldier motions Natsu to follow, "Well your in luck the general is recruiting right now." 

So to make a speed up the flashback - Natsu enlisted in the Continental Army, He went to Valley Forge to train, He participated  battles and skirmishes, got promoted to captain for his bravery and battle performance. Than after 3 years it came to the battle that will decide the fate of a new nation. The Battle of Yorktown. 

Flashback End :

Natsu is waiting for the signal for the final charge, so did his regiment. The cannons roared with a passion and the sounds of explosions are like a musical waiting for a grand final. Than the order came and the rebels began to go over the top and charge towards the British defenses. It is critical that the American capture the last fort that defends Yorktown. Natsu and his regiment charge with everything they got to break through the British defenses under fire by British artillery and musket shots.  

The British fires everything they have. Natsu charged the the British Fort, all around him his fellow soldiers are being shot down left and right.  Natsu along with a force of 400 American Soldiers finally breaks through and engage the British in close quarter combat. Natsu fires his musket and shot a British soldier in the chest. He than bash another one with the end of his musket, he than proceed to slash another redcoat with the bayonet at the end of his musket and stab him. Natsu drops his firearm and with his left hand draws his officers sword and draws his flintlock pistol with the other.

Natsu  soon engaged a redcoat officer in a sword fight, he did all of that while never stopping his advance. "Natsu was fighting like a dragon" One American officer who partake in the battle will later say. Nevertheless Natsu's fighting spirit inspire the rest of troops to keep fighting. Bayonets meet with their targets, swords clash with each other, the end of a musket bash the heads of their victims, and after a vicious battle the British are defeated. Yorktown's last defense now belong to the Americans. Now that Yorktown's cannons turn to Yorktown itself the British will have to surrender.

General Cornwallis the British officer in command of Yorktown finally surrenders on October 19 1781, also marking the end of the war. The Americans cheers with joy and victory after the British surrenders. This once disorganized band of rebels have just beaten the worlds most powerful army and built the foundation of their new nation. The United States of America is now born.

Speeding up the story along : 

After America declares it's independence and George Washington's inauguration, the American Continental Army was disbanded but not entirely. Natsu stays in the military and helps to build the new nation. The Continental Army is now replace with the free American Army. 

Natsu was having dinner with a few other officers in a tavern in New York talking about their lives before the war. "How about you Natsu?" One officer asked. Natsu than turns to the man who asked the question, "What do you mean?" He replied. "You, what were you doing before the war." The officer asked. Natsu smiled and grabs his class of wine and said, "I came to this place on a whim with no real goal or really any thought, never I imagine to build a new nation when I came here. The idea of new possibilities and adventure was too tempting for me to refuse." Natsu than drinks his wine. Little did he know than President George Washington just walked up behind him.

All the other officers decided to keep quiet and see how long was is going to take for Natsu to find out. After Natsu puts down his glass he continues, "I was only in Boston for 1 month, 1 month I arrive in this strange land called America. I came from my hometown across the other side of the world in a country called Fiore." One man than speaks up, "Fiore? Never heard such a place." Natsu just nods his head, "It's not exactly a well known place here in the west but back in the east it's a country rule by a monarchy." he replied. Another man than said, "So thinking of going back and starting a revolution. The men around the table laugh. Natsu than said, "No need really, unlike here the government are not like the British heck the government back home barely help it's own people."

"What do you mean?"One men said. Natsu than explain about the guild system and how these guilds help the people and the government of Fiore. "So what your saying is that these guilds are like militias you can hire to help the people." Natsu than responded, "Well yes back home we have a standing army but you will only see them after a guild have did the job for them." Is what at this time that Washington place his hand on Natsu shoulder and said, "Well I would like to see this country of yours."

To be continued

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