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-jin pov-

I looked towards Namjoon and smiled as we walked down the street hand-in-hand, after the movie finished I received a call from Jungkook saying that he had to go somewhere and Namjoon insisted that he walked me to the store since I had walked to the theatre by myself.

I wasn't sure if me and Namjoon were dating since our actual date was this Saturday, but he was already acting like we have been in a relationship for 3 years. It was surprising that he was being serious about wanting to date me and asked me even though we had only known each other for about 3 days, nevertheless, plans had been arranged and I was to meet him in a little café close to my bookstore this Saturday at 10:30pm.

"Are you nervous about something?"
Namjoon asked stopping and facing me with a smile.

"N...no, why do you ask?"
I replied still holding onto his hand.

"Your palms are sweating, a lot, did something serious happen at work?"
Namjoon asked bringing my hand up to show me.

"Y...yes, we ahh, we must get there immediately."
I muttered pulling my hand away.

Namjoon said following after me.

Upon arriving at the bookstore two men walked in after Namjoon and I, the two young men had a medium build and looked like hooligans, I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at them in disgust, what were two people with loose morals doing in a bookstore? Namjoon turned to face them as well and was the first to speak.

"Who are you?"

"We don't mean business, we're just looking for our best friend in the whole wide world, Jungkook, he works here doesn't he? We need him to attend a party."
One man with two eyebrow piercings huffed almost wanting to sound obvious, where was Jungkook?

"Um, no, I fired him ages ago, he doesn't show his face around here any more, sorry."
I stated promptly pushing Namjoon behind me.

"Oh, well I guess he is elsewhere, sorry to ruin your day."
The other man replied smiling at me before walking out the door, I looked back at Namjoon who was shrugging he looked around before asking where Jungkook was, I walked out to the back to see a figure squatting in the corner, hands around his knees and face buried into his lap, turning the light on, I walked closer and knelt down to put my arm on Jungkook's back, my actions made him jump I rubbed his back to calm him down he relaxed and began sobbing quietly Namjoon soon came to the door to see what was happening.

"What happened? Who were those men?"
I asked removing my hand off of his back.

"I...I'm so sorry, J...Jin hyung."
He sobbed covering his face with his arms.

"Everything is okay, just tell me what happened."

Namjoon closed the store checking if the doors were locked, I sat Jungkook down in front of me and handed him a cup of tea, his eyes were blood shot and swollen from crying, Namjoon walked around the store looking at books allowing me to speak freely with Jungkook without it being too awkward I sat down and a nodded which indicated  Jungkook to explain.

"I...I have been trying to pay the rent to keep my home, my mother is very sickly and we can't afford going to a hospital, my job here helped but didn't help enough for us to survive so I thought that working two jobs was best but while I went to find employment I met a man named Park Jimin who offered me a job with high payment, I was thrilled until he told me what the job was, drug dealing."

I gasped which stopped Jungkook, he look down in shame and placed the cup of tea down on the floor and fiddled with his finger trying to continue the story without crying once again.

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