the elements

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Today was the first day at school.The school was called starlight high school,I checked quickly the school board I had to go to.It was in room A118 I ran upstairs with my backpack and opened the door I said hello to my new teacher Mrs.Amy I got into my seat and and quietly I though of meet new friends.I said "hello to my close classmate,she glared at me...
I stared at her closely but then in my mind I though I heard a strange of my classmates in introduced them self her name was Kylie she had brownish short hair she also had brown eyes.She had a smile on her face I felt less nervous then I was before.I told my classmate Kylie my name she listened what I had to say.The teacher shouted "hello everyone in this classroom today in this evening I though everyone would...
Mrs.Amy paused in fear she saw a one of the teachers with a gun in the air.
The class screamed and hid.The teacher ran in the classroom and shot
Our teacher The teacher shoted more bullets about 26 students were hit with the bullet.then the teacher put the gun in my forehead " say goodbye"........
Next chapter will come

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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