My new masters

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"Calm down Cherry , he needs to pay us back somehow"
I sat , tied to the chair, in silence,  as the two women fought over how I'll start earning my pay. How did I get in this situation? Oh about 4 days ago, I was snooping around where I shouldn't have. You see, I work in a casino/resort in Vegas, there was a big party going on, at least that's what I was told. I was making up the beds in the top floor villa when bam loud ass crash happens.  A tall guy and a braudly built girl were hashing it out. She'd shattered a glass bottle on his head. Then he ran into the room where I was cleaning, and immediately became inraged when he saw me " WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU PATHETIC FUCK TARD?!" The man grabbed me by my hair and drug me into the main room with the woman That's the CLEANING boy you IDIOT"
" I KNEW YOUR CHEATING ON ME YOU FUCKING WHORE !" He flung me down hard and smacked my head into the ground , my vision started fading I faintly remember him saying "I'm gonna teach this little bitch boyfriend of yours a lesson " then I blacked out. I woke up,  blindfolded and gagged, in nothing but my bright pink breifs. My hands were tied behind my back . I could hear muffled crying around me, there were other people here. I started struggling aginst the ties then started to cry myself. I was scared out of my mind. I heard a door open, someone grabbed my arm and yanked me out the door, I sobbed harder. I heard people chattering and mermering,  I was dropped down In the midst of it. The blinding fold was removed and I was hit by a blinding light, once my vision came back I saw I was on a stage infront of a few hundred people. I  was wimpering with tears streaming down my face. A woman at a podium started speaking " We have a thick male, age around 26, light brown hair, grey eyes, no visible signs of injury,  shall we start at 5 million?" Oh god I was being auctioned ! Someone is gonna buy me like some animal! Someone called out "5 million " the next "6 million "
"7 million "
"10 million "
"50 million"
" 100 million"
Then a woman's voice called out " 2.6 billion " the crowd let out a soft gasp . I was being sold for 2.6 billion dollars.  The woman called out, sold! And I was being dragged off to meet my owner.  I was left in the pent house villa I was knocked out in earlier. A girl in a crop top and mini skirt waltzed into the room.  Literally , she was waltzing.  She plopped into the chair infront of me and yelled "GIRLS HE'S HERE "
4 other ladies entered the room. I recognized the one, she was the lady I'd seen have a lovers quarrel with her boyfriend. She was tall, blonde, muscular.  She looked like she was a military sergeant. Another was tall with raven black hair, she wore a suit . And the last two seemed to be twins, bright red hair, freckles,  basically identical. Except the one had two different color eyes . They all stood and sat around me , ogling me . The drill sergeant lady asked "name?"
"Excuse me?"
"You def or something,  what's your name?"
I got flustered "ugh Alan"
"Well ugh Alan, I'm Cherry, the barbie over there is Sissy, business lady is Helen, and the twins are Kenna and Zuzu." I nodded and waved at each lady "H-hello" Zuzu chimed "How cute he stutters! Can we keep him?"
"No!" Helen snapped "he's going to pay us back then be on his way"
"Pay you back?"
She rolled her eyes " We paid 2.6 billion for your safety , pay us back and you can go home, you can work for us and earn your freedom "
I nodded and held back tears . I was on the verge of a panic attack.  Cherry took my hand and led me to her room "get some sleep love, we're going out, oh and try to escape I'll hunt you down myself" with that little note she left the room. I fell asleep around 2 , and got woken up around 5. I was laying still asleep when I felt someone in the bed with me, I lazily opened my eyes to see Cherry laying out cold next to me. My imidiate reaction was to leave the room so she could sleep. I got did she "shit did I wake you up"
"N-no I was just, l - leaving so you could have the bed to yours-self" she stretched and patted the spot next to her "come lay back down" I was in no position to argue so I laid next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled up the blanket over us, I tensed up at her touch,  she fell asleep clinging to me. I relaxed after a while and just watched her. She has ash blond hair, her lips were naturally pink.  She has a scar under her left eye and I noticed a few cuts and bruises and her. Must have had a rough night. I carefully put my arms around her and coddled her , soon I fell back asleep. I woke back up at noon and walked into the sitting room and was met with the twins . "Hi Kenna, Hi Zuzu" they scampered over to me "Hi Alan!" Kenna said handing me a plate of food "hope you like eggs , Zuzu is a great cook" I sat down and started eating slowly.  I was still very on edge "Where are the other girls?"
" working " I nodded and ate more "where uh , where do you all work? How did you all get so much money?" The girls giggled
"Well dont freak out and Zuzu are.....pimps" I choked on the eggs
"What? You mean like sex trafficking? " Kenna nodded
I was a little shaken by that "and the others?"
"Sissy is a pornstar " said Zuzu
"Helen controls illegal wepon trade" Kenna added
"And Cherry" the giggled "is a hit girl"
I was visibly scared " hit girl? Like an assassin?"
Zuzu nodded "has she uh....k-killed p-p-p"
She nodded again. My blood went cold. I was property of extremely dangerous women.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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