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The bottom is tough when your alone.

Add a husband with issues.

Add three kids to the mix and it just gets harder.

When your young and think everything is cool and fun. No problems, No bills, No worries.

Then the day comes that everything changes. You meet someone and the world turns to a completely different place.

Now you have a job, bills, worries. The part that's even harder is your only 16 years old.

At 17 it changes again. That someone you met. You now marry, and along comes baby number one. All this before your 18.

That's ok! Your in love you never felt better. You have money, food, and a roof over your families head.

Within the next year you get custody of your now four year old nephew. Your younger brother had a baby way to young. He wasn't old enough to really know what it took to take care of someone so small and full of life.

Nothing good last forever. I wish it did, but it doesn't

Just when you think everything is great. Trouble starts. At first small stuff. Then it's gets bigger and bigger. You think....No you must be wrong he would never do that..... Love blinds sometimes and it shields you from what is right.

As the trouble still takes place for years. Baby number two comes into play. Now more to worry about and shield from the world. Now at 19 you have more to worry about. Three kids and the world gets harder.

As if things aren't tough enough. You hold down two full-time jobs. As well as make sure the family is taken care of.

It's ok! You have money, bills are being paid, and there is still food on the table and a roof over everyones head.

16 months later the final baby comes into play. Now you have four kids and a husband that is in more trouble then out of it.

You stay strong. You shed no tears. You don't ask for help. You don't worry about what others might think. The most important thing is the children. You are last on the list. You always put them first.

Years go on. Same old stuff every year. Jail. Probation. It never seems to end. You love him and stand by him no matter what.

People ask why? Why do you put up with it? The answer.....Love.....because you feel if you lose him your heart will break and you will fall to pieces. You can't let that happen. You have kids to worry about. You did it for them. You stay!

More years come and go with the same things. You start to think. Maybe they were right. Will it ever change? Will you ever be happy again?

13 years go by. Your nephew goes back to live with his father.(your brother) You finally step up and tell him this is it. The last time. You have had enough! If he gets in trouble again your done. The love starts to fade...it's not as strong as it was before.

Two years go by. Your now at the present time. He has stayed out of trouble so far. Now it's harder. The job you have is not full-time much less all the time. He can't get a job because of his background. So at the present time you are not well off.

You have no money. Your rent is due, but you have no money! Your lights are getting cut off, but you have no money? Your kids are stuck in the middle wondering why?

You want better. You put application after application in. Still no one is hiring! What are suppose to do most places that have good paying jobs your have to have a college degree of some kind to work there. So you go for the low paying jobs instead, but you get the same from them. Money is tight and most places aren't hiring. Of course you would love to get the college degree. No money to pay for it. If you go to college where are you going to get the money to pay your bills.

You've heard the saying. Money doesn't buy happiness! Well in this case it sure would make it easier.

It endless!

What happens when your at the bottom and your not alone?

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