You said You Wouldn't...

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How did this happen? How did he slip through my fingers so easily? Did I ever even stand a chance? I'll admit I never thought I would but, there was always a little part of me that believed I could. But here I stand completely shattered from what stands before me. The love of my life, my partner in crime, the one whose been with me since the world had went to shit, was kissing another girl, Enid (sorry had no one else to pick). So let's rewind a little shall we? I've known Carl since the apocalypse started and him and Rick saved me, and after a while I started developing feelings for him, and to be honest, it was a little annoying. Then soon I realized. It was simple. I was in love him. And there was I or he could do to change that. But ever since we arrived in Alexandria... We've been drifting apart ( poor reader-chan:( sorry I'll stop hehe) . He would always hang out with Enid and whenever we would get the chance to actually hang out she suddenly shows up! I know complete bullshit right?! Anyways back to the story. Silent tears fell from my eyes, cascading down my cheeks slowly one by one as my heart continued to break into tiny pieces with every second passing. Unable to watch the site before me, I ran as fast as I could to the house that I sadly, shared with Rick and Carl. As soon as I got to my room I let out all the sobs that I held back. 'I cant believe this. I knew it was stupid to fall for him.' I started choking and whimpering. ' He promised...he promised wouldn't hurt me. "H-he said he wouldn't!", I choked out. I then layed down, exhausted, from all the crying and fell into a deep sleep.

~ Le time skip brought to you by Kellin Quinn (if you know who that is, I wovee youu) ~

I woke up at about 10:00 am but I guess it really didn't matter. I was sneaking down to the kitchen trying to avoid Carl as much as possible but it seems fate wasn't on my side. I accidentally bumped into on my way to the kitchen. Fuck my life. "Hey (Y/N) what happened to you last night you missed dinner." Suddenly I didn't feel hungry anymore. I completely ignored him going straight to my room hoping he'd leave me alone. I couldn't look in his ocean blue orbs without feeling tears well up in my (e/c) ones, let alone talk to him! But once again, fate wasn't on my side. 'Today isnt my day is it?' Hearing his footsteps behind me, I sped up rushing to my room to hurry and close the door but he made it made before I could slam it in his face. "What! W-what could you possibly want!", I croaked/yelled. Tears fastly flowing down my cheeks like a river. I couldn't hold them in anymore. It hurt to just be near him! "I want a explanation! Why the heck have you been ignoring me! I haven't done anything!" , he yelled with an extreme hurt expression, tears welling up in his eyes. I scoffed. This was getting frustrating. " You kissed Enid, Carl! You hurt me you said you wouldn't! The worst part is... I'm in love with you and there's nothing I can do about it.", I yelled while unconsciously lowering my voice just above a whisper silently saying the last part. "What?!", he gasped with a shocked expression. " I-I'm in love with you Carl! Unconditionally, deeply, truly, madly, in love with you! And I-I hate t-that because she holds your heart while you hold mine. Its all so pathetic and as much as I wanna move on I know I won't be able to. And I'm happy for you ( why tf you lyin? lmao i had to sorry last time ) but you know wha-" My rambling was abruptly stopped by him grabbing my face roughly, yet kissing me sweetly and softly. I froze but soon melted into his touch. H-he was so nice a-and gentle. Wait. This is wrong. I reluctantly push him away breaking the kiss. "This is wrong Carl. You have Enid.", I said quietly looking at my converse. My (h/l) (h/c) falling covering my face like a curtin. He pulled me closer then lifting one hand to my chin making me face him. He smiled warmly. "You've got it wrong (n/n), SHE kissed me I tried pushing her off but she wouldn't let go, please you have to believe me! I Carl Grimes am completely unconditionally, deeply , truly, madly in love with you, ( full name)." Tears welled up in both our eyes while one single tear trickled down his face. I brought up my hand and gently wiped it away. He leaned into my touch. I smiled. "I guess you kept your promise after all." , I said gently. He grinned. "Don't I always?" I laughed. " Yeah Grimes." I smirked. I leaned up pulling him into a passionate gentle soft kiss filled with dozens of sparks.

A/N: I hope i did good this is my first one shot/ story thingy lol so i hope ya enjoy anyways ~
Peace lovelies~ ✌

Ps: dont be afriad to comment on anything whether its this story or my other one ur awesome <3

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