Chapter 1

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OC>>> Living-Voodoo (my sis from another mother and father)

You were doing your normal things, like sitting on your beanbag chair, typing away upon your (Husktop/Laptop). You were currently on (Website Name), just browsing because you were bored right now. Setting your (Husktop/Laptop) down onto the (Fav Color) carpited floor, picking up the (Fav Drink/Faygo/Water) you had sitting beside you. You leaned back, you could hear your radio within the background. (Fav Band) was on, the song that played was your favorite, (Fav Song Played By That Band). Bringing the drink up to your (Human>->Skin Tone/Troll>->Grey/Dark Grey/Light Grey/Skip This) lips, you loved the taste, it was refreshing to you. Your Pesterchum had went off, slightly scaring you. You sighed setting the drink down, you had lifted the (Husktop/Laptop) back up onto your lap. Clicking the icon for the chatroom, you could see that none of your friends were on except for (Friend's Name) and Cearon. You knew (Friend's Name) longer than anyone else, but (He/She) started to get mad at you when you begun to talk to The (Humans/Trolls). But with Cearon, you met him a week ago. Vergil was so excited to have you meet his friend, Cearon, you could easily remember that first day. He was jumping up and down, plus he also begged for you to meet Cearon. You were quite glad you got to met the Cerulean blooded troll, he was the quite type at first. But the more you got to know him, the more hyper and outgoing he was. Plus he was very caring, he was also violent when he would find out that one of his friends or family memebers would get hurt. like a couple of days later, when he saw you getting bulied, he had became very pissed and started to beat the sbit out of your bully. You were scared of Cearon's violent self, but for some unknown reason, you also found it quite sexy. Snapping out of your thoughts when you heard another beep, you quickly looked to the screen. A chat box had popped up, Showing that Cearon was trying to get a hold of you.

(im srry Aliicam, it wont let me post Cearon's qurik Os. i hav no choose but 2 put it into normal Os. i hope this doesnt triggger u in anyway)

crookedMercenary [CM] Started Trolling (ChumHandler) [(CH)] At 5:02

[CM]: _______, whAt Are you doing? I don't hAve Anyone to tAlk to.
[CM]:_____________!!!! Are you spAcing AgAin? _______________!
[(CH)]:Sorry, I was just thinking is all...And for your question, I was just sitting around, browsing and drinking.
[CM]:WhAt Are you drinking? Are you getting drunk?
[(CH)]: (Fav Drink/Faygo/Water)...And nooooooo.
[CM]: Do you wAnt to come over And do something?
[(CH)]:Sure :) When do you want me to come over?
[CM]:Anytime. OkAy, see you there.

crookedMercenary [CM] Stopped Trolling (ChumHandler) [CM] At 5:04

Shutting off your (Husktop/Laptop) and closing it, you than stood to your feet, strecting your limbs. Walking over to your dresser, you grabbed your empty bookbag. Opening it, you had picked up your (Husktop/Laptop) and placed it inside your backpack. Zipping it back up, you made your way out of your room. Walking down the stair chase, your (Human>->Sister/Brother/Troll>->Dancester) Stopped you. (He/She) was leaning against the railing of the stairs, a smirk upon (His/Her) (Female>->Lipstick Covered/Skip This) lips.

"Where are you going?" (His/Her Name) said with a cocky grin,

"To a Friend's Hive..." You answered boredly, (His/Her Name) crossed (His/Her) arms over their chest.

"Really, Squrt," (He/She) than (Chuckled/Giggled). You just narrow your eyes at (Him/Her), (He/She) just watched as you went to the front of the (Hive/House). You grumbled as you left, you hated (Her/Him). Sighing to yourself, you made your way to Cearon's Hive.

Time skip, because Ceraon lives far away

After a while of walking, you finally made it to the Cerulean blooded troll's hive. Walking up the sidewalk, you than knocked upon the door when you were close enough. It was soft knocks at first, but when no on answered, you knocked loudly. You heard the door being unocked, you thought it was Cearon who answered. But instead it was his older brother or in other words his Dancestor,

OC! Cearon Munryr X (M/F) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now