~Naka's Part~

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I am an empty shell

I cannot feel

I have no soul

My existence was dark



My "life" was a loop

Until at one point

I was somewhere else

I saw you

You caught my interest

You made me feel

I didn't know what this sensation was

But I craved for more

I craved to be around you

At first, I treated you like an experiment

I examined you

Did "tests" on you

You were uncomfortable

You wanted me to stop

Yet you didn't hold a grudge for it

You were nice to me

I was perplexed

I didn't know what to do

After your show of kindness

I instead treated you like another sentient being

Yet, I still acted as if I was higher than you

You still kept your politeness

Even if I treated you no better than the ground under me

It made me feel something

You re-built my soul

You made me feel

It made me puzzled

After time passed

I treated you more like an equal

It made my soul feel warm

Even if I couldn't reciprocate the kindness you've given me

I tried my best

I tried as hard as I could

I read up on things you like

It made me feel something whenever you were happy

... Seeing you smile made me feel another sensation

I noticed that I began to stay around your presence more

And when I was away, my soul would ache

I questioned.. Is this "love"?

More time passed

The feelings I've felt

They've only increased

While I still could not understand

I tried my best

And then..

The one night I held your hand

My soul was like a drum concert

... It was nice

That same night

Seeing you smile directly at me

I felt.. Something

And when we were separated

I felt even more empty than before

I felt something

It wasn't a pleasant feeling

It felt like my soul had disappeared again

So I wrote out what I felt

I'm not good with emotions

You knew that

Yet there you were

You tried your best to make me smile

I couldn't really do that

But you still tried

You were so pleasant to be around

You made me.. Feel..


And so when I saw you after what felt like centuries

I felt the emotion.. "Happy"

And it hit me like a bullet

When I came into contact with you again

I felt more than just "happy"

I felt like I could stay around you for millenniums

And so

I looked back on my question

And I pondered

Maybe this was "love"

I do not know

I am not good with emotions

But if love means

That I feel a pleasant strangeness around you

Or that I would die for your sake

Then maybe this is love

I hope it is

I hope it's not just a sick fascination

And so

As I hold your hand once more

I'll lean in...

I'll close the space between us

With my soul pounding in sync with your own

I say to you

"I love you."

It was worth "I love you"Where stories live. Discover now