Chapter 1: Convincement

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Cry was a normal kind of guy, there was no other way to say it. Not that he would ever care to think of anything else, he was comfortable with his life and it was usually good. Sleep in, record, eat - rinse and repeat.

On the other hand, Pewdie was exactly the kind of man Cry didn’t want to have to spend months on end with, in a car.. alone. Of course, they were best friends, title given for specific reasons.. but Cry was that simple mind, living a relatively simple life. When your best friend from Sweden heads on over to America and plans an extended road trip without any extra precautions, you would be a bit psyched out as well.

He still thinks so sitting at his own dining table at six o'clock in the morning talking to the guy.


"What do you mean you don't want to go?!" a voice shouted from within the kitchen, and I downed my head to look at the soggy cereal pieces swimming in my bowl. I used my spoon to lift up the sugary treats, and watched them drop back into the creamy milk with a plop. "You just want me to go with you and leave all of this behind?" I replied, using my hand to casually push the bowl away. My appetite for breakfast cereal had long ceased. I was supposed to be going to bed around this time.

"Duh." It answered immediately. "What's wrong with a nice break or two?"

"Nothing is wrong, I just.. I don't know." I answered honestly, sinking my head in between the crevices of my folded arms. I was just making up excuses now.

"Why didn't you ask Marzia to go with you?"

"She's on her own vacation." The voice suddenly grew louder to the point the being it belonged to entered the room, carrying a waffle smothered in chocolate sauce and.. was that mayonnaise? "I would rather not carry all those shopping bags she plans on bringing back."

I turned my head and peeked through the slivers of my arms to get a good look of the Swede, munching casually on the disaster of a breakfast he threw together. It had been an hour since he got off his plane, and here he was still in his pajamas.

"You've got a good point there, friend." I added.

"I already rented the car, packed just enough clothes for the entire trip, and we can always pick up some groceries on the way, why not?" Pewdie said while taking the empty seat across from me, staring daggers into the top of my head. The man knew for a fact I couldn't deny. What else was I going to do? Sit at home while the weirdo travels the country by himself? He had a hard time navigating through dark mazes without shitting himself, let alone a foreign country.

It took me a moment to think, returning my face in the dark cavern of my folded arms briefly.


I had never seen a man's features light up so brightly in my entire life, and even I could feel the corners of my mouth curling upward. I had to admit, I was a little excited.

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