An ordinary day

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Today started out like every other. Waking up hours before my parents to take a shower, eat, brush my teeth, and leave for school to get lectured for 8 periods. When I get home, it's the same. Do my homework, and wait for my parents to come home with food at 7pm. Every. Day. With all my free time I spent a lot of it on social media and eventually got myself into a pit of love, hate, and obsession. A fandom. Now you see, this one wasn't JUST a fandom, this was the Blake Boys. Teenagers who bring you along on their journey of life and suddenly, yours doesn't seem so important anymore. I absolutely DIED to get home everyday to check Instagram,, and basically everything they had, I had. I tried to spread my newfound obsession but apparently it's not very universal... With Christmas just around the corner when I realized the one wish I had was to meet the Blake Boys. You see, i don't believe in all that superstition stuff but eventually every day/night at 11:11 I would wish my one wish. Th special thing about the Blake Boys is that there isn't one, not two, but three of them. Each with their own sweet personality. You have Justin the badass goofball, Damon the band obsessor, and Danny the nerdy cosplayer. If you really wanted to, there's basically a whole extended family but you'll see if you're actually that interested.

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