Our Fake Relationship (Chapter 1)

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Because somone had stolen my story I really felt bad for the real fans that wanted to read the rest. Here's the link from Booksie and Storywrite if you want to read the whole thing. I finished it a long time ago. It has some grammar errors in it so you'll just have to ignore them. I'm posting the first chapter just to give you a little peek if you really want to read the whole thing.



Our Fake Relationship

Chapter 1


I walked to my boyfriend’s house smiling. It was a nice day. The birds were singing the sky was clear and it was warm. At least for September. I twirled the ring Grant had gotten me around my finger. It was for our one year anniversary. We had been together for one whole year, no on and off thing. He was the love of my life. My life was perfect right now. My best friend Kendra and I were closer then we had ever been. She had a boyfriend who I wasn’t too fond of, considering we hated each other. But we did everything together! Double dates every weekend! Drive to the beach in the summer. Everything! My parents were great! They let me do anything I wanted. They loved Grant too.

And today, well was my birthday. I turned 17. I wonder what Grant has planned. Maybe a surprise party? A picnic under the stars? Maybe we would take our relationship to the next level. Maybe I was ready. I sighed and grinned up at the evening sun.  My heart thudded in my chest as I thought of it. I remember talking to Kendra about Grant and I. her and Zane (her annoying obnoxious boyfriend) we’re a cute couple but she had talked about maybe breaking up with him when Grant I were having a rough match a couple months ago, but never did. She just seemed distance these past couple days. It was strange. I had known her all my life but she wouldn’t open up to me, just telling me it was nothing. It was funny when we were freshman in high school we fought over Grant. He was the famous football player that every girl had a crush on. We told each other dreams we had had of him and which hair dew we thought would make him look like Zac Efron. It was the good days. But when Grant asked me to homecoming my junior year Kendra never said anything about him after that.

A couple months later she met Zane. A new student. One look at him told me he was going to be trouble. And trouble he was! He was sent to the principal’s office the first day of school for talking back to a teacher. I had told her he wasn’t a good idea but she said that she really liked him so I never said anything again. I was one house away from Grant’s when someone hit my shoulder. “Ow!” I complained and jumped away from the person. “Zane!” I said narrowing my eyes. He smirked his dark blue eyes looking black under his brown bangs. His brown hair looked messy the way guys wore their hair now. He was also wearing his favorite black leather jacket. It was annoying to see him wearing it everyday!

“Well it’s good to see you too Princess!” I glared deeply at him. He called me that because I hated it! I wasn’t a cheerleader or a popular girl. But he didn’t care.

“What are you doing here?” I growled. He grinned.

“Going to see my girlfriend. She wanted to talk to me. Is that OK, Olivia?” he said pointing to Kendra’s house next to Grant’s. They had been neighbors for two years now. “You better not hurt my best friend, Zane, or else you’re dead meat.” I said staring him down. That made him grin even more. If that’s possible.

“No problem princess!” he slapped my shoulder in a brotherly affection.

“Ass,” I muttered and moved past him and onto Grant’s porch. I put on a smile for Grant and knocked on the door. It swung open and Grant looked like a God wearing faded jeans and a white t shirt. His blonde hair was slicked to the side and his brown eyes smiled with his lips. Before he could say anymore I reached up and pulled his lips to mine. He tasted of Spearmint. He pulled me in as we kissed and shut the door with his foot. Our tongues twirled together and he pulled back.

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