The Move

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My Alarm went off blasting Kick Me by SWS. I got up and remembered today was Saturday June 20th THE DAY OF THE MOVE!!! I live in Miami, Florida but today... Today I am moving to the twin cities Minnesota!!! I have been waiting for today because my favorite people in the whole wide world live in the same state and city I'm moving too! So I got up and put on a tight black tank top because why not I'm so skinny I'm almost not noticeable but anyway I also put on some black skinny jeans. My mom past away when I was 8 so I only live with my dad but he leaves me alone. My dad called for me to come down to get in the car and leave since he packed everything up for us and put it in the truck that was getting everything to the house. We drove to the airport and 3 seconds after boarding the plane the gate closed up so we were lucky to get there.

*6 hours pass*

It is now 2 in the afternoon and I just finished setting up my room Unboxing everything and setting it all up. I walked out the door after doing my eyeliner and other makeup and decided to go meet the neighbors. I decided to start at the house right across the street. I knocked on the door and I couldn't believe who answered!!! It was Justin Drew Blake!!! "Yes? Who are you?" Justin said. "Oh um I'm Z I just moved here in the house right across from you and I'm a really big fan!" "Oh well let me get the others then!" Justin said and closed the door half way holding it open with the top of his shoe. "DANNY DAMON GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!" Justin yelled as Damon and Danny raced down the stairs wondering what Justin wanted. "What the hell Justin?!?" Danny and Damon said together. Justin opened the door for me to come in. I walked inside standing by the wall. "This is Z. She is our new neighbor and she's also a really big fan of ours, isn't that great?" Justin said with a big smile. "Oh hi Z" Damon and Danny said as they both hugged me. "Hi." I said shyly as they ran up the stairs and calling me up to Justin's room.

*1 hour passes as we play truth or dare for them to get to know me better and I also learned some personal stuff about them*

It started getting late as we watched a couple movies so Danny invited me to sleep in his room tonight. We cuddled since it was so cold and before we fell asleep as I payed there facing Danny with my eyes closed, I felt Danny's soft cold lips press against mine and I opened my eyes and sat up in the corner by the walls of the bed. "I didn't mean to scare you" said Danny. "Oh no I just um didn't expect that." I said as I came back and laid down and Danny put his arm around me and we cuddled and finally fell asleep.

The next morning

Danny's alarm goes off while I sleepily mumble "let me sleep!" "I'm sorry Z I forgot about my alarm go back to sleep babe" Danny said. Babe?!? I thought now wide awake. I turned to face the wall and try to sleep again and so I closed my eyes and then I felt Danny wrap his arm around me and his cold pale hand touch my face and turn me facing towards him. He moved closer to me and whispered in my ear "Will you be my girlfriend Z?" I stopped as he kissed a couple times more. I felt my heart racing, My mind filling with these thoughts, a big smile stretched across my face and then I kissed Danny back as a symbol of saying yes. We started to move closer to each other and cuddle because it was so cold then BOOM Damon and Danny burst through I door and I quickly went into panic mode and panicked leaning on the wall with my head in my knees on the corner of Danny's bed knowing the way Damon and Justin acted around me they liked me as well. I started crying in the corner as Danny yelled "GET OUT NOW" to his brothers and he got up and pushed them out also slamming the door and locking it. He sat beside me and pulled me close. He held my hand and took his other hand to wipe the tears off my face before kissing me and asking "What's wrong baby?" I answered saying "The way Justin and Damon flirt with me it's obvious they like me. They both sat beside me when we watched the movies yesterday and both kept looking at me and/ or trying to cuddle with me. I just freaked out when I thought they saw us cuddling that's all." I stopped crying and got up to look in Danny's mirror. My hair was a mess and now my eyeliner is in streaks down my face. "I look like a ugly mess right now!" I yelled as Danny came up to me and looked at me as well in the mirror and said "I think you are the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world Z." I started to blush a lot and my face turned bright pink. Me and Danny opened his door to see his brothers still there. "We are sorry Danny we didn't know Z would start panicking and crying like that..." Said Justin. "We're sorry Z." Said Damon. All 3 of them walked my across the street to my house and after Justin and Damon said good bye I kissed Danny again before walking into my house. Somehow is was already noon and so I got in the shower got out got ready- hair makeup teeth. All that. Then put on my white P!ATD shirt with my short cut jean shorts and laid in bed for about an hour until at 3:37 when Danny texted me asking if I wanted to go to the park with him and so we walked to the park and Danny went down the small slide and suddenly he screamed "THERES A BALL" and he picked up a rubber 4 square ball as I was climbing over the small rock wall and couldn't get over I said "IM TO FAT FOR THIS" and fell off into the dirt getting a skinned knee. Danny dropped the ball and ran over skidding down into the dirt to see if I as alright as some blood flowed down my leg. "I'm fine" I said close to tears from the pain and got up.

We decided to walk back to his house to get me cleaned up and we walked through the door and immediately Damon and Justin came running to see what happened. "DANNY WTF HAPPENED WHAT DID YOU DO???" They yelled together "NOTHING SHE FELL OFF THE ROCK WALL AT THE PARK THATS ALL." Danny yelled back. "Now help me get her knee and leg cleaned up." Danny said. They walked me to the bathroom and had me balance my leg over the bathtub as they wiped away the blood then poured some hydrogen peroxide on my knee and when it was all cleaned out we put a bandage over it and it felt much better but still hurt like hell.

A few hours of talking later...
{Insert sponge bob narrator voice here}

I figured out I had every class with Danny!!! Now it's late but me and Danny decided to watch movies together on his bed but we did not expect to cuddle and pass out! Lol we woke up the next morning to Danny's alarm and we immediately went to my house. I got ready did hair make up and everything put my White shirt with MCR written on it in big black letters on it and some black skinny jeans and we walked to school together. The other 2 boys were in front of us and me and Danny held Hands the whole way there! When school started and we were walking through the halls to our classes and our lockers (they were right beside each other) the whole day Danny had his arm around me in the hall and when someone looked at me or smiled at me Danny pulled me closer and gave them a death stare. I felt safe with Danny. Me and Danny held hands under the desks every class and during math I shouted out in the middle of class... "IM A STEGOSAURUS!!!" And stood up stomping and gave a cute little rawr. Everyone laughed. Even the teacher xD. So Danny stood up yelling "IM A T-REX" and bit my lip then kissed me. The whole class whistled at me and Danny death stared them all. School was over and Me and Danny walked to his house to find the other boys broadcasting. We jumped in and the chat spammed with "who's that girl" and Justin said "That's Danny's girlfriend!" Then whistled. Then the chat spammed with kiss or make out so we kissed a couple times for the broadcast and the whole chat spammed with aww. It was awesome and we told them stuff about me like my name, age, birthday, where I'm from, everything like that then we had to go.

When we ended the broadcast the BlakeMom knocked on the door and asked me if I wanted to move in with them and share a room with Danny and I fan girl screamed yes!!! That day we had the whole room setup with my stuff and Danny told me he had to go pick up dinner and he came back with roses a card he gave me $200 and some chocolate but the thing was he ate all the chocolate and filled the box with warheads! I started dying laughing cause I love warheads and he said. Our next broadcast is the warhead challenge.

*Danny pulls bag of his own warheads from his jacket pocket*

"YAY!!!" I screamed

Tell me if you want an update on this

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