Day 1: holding hands

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Mathis was sitting across the table from Lukas. Mathis took note of something. Lukas seemed a little out of it today. He didn't choke Mathis and he just silently cursed him. Mathis smirked. Was Lukas finally falling for him?? He gave a goofy grin at the thought. Lukas looked at Mathis. He was staring at Lukas but obviously was off in la la land. Lukas blushed and looked at Mathis hand. He really just wanted to grab it. That's exactly what he did. He didn't hesitate either. This snapped Mathis out of his thoughts. He looked at Lukas in shock. Lukas was about to pull his hand away when Mathis brought his breakfast over to the spot next to Lukas and sat down. He then moved his hand with Lukas under the table. They spent the rest of breakfast like that.

A/n: next one will be posted tomorrow hopefully... Anyway if you have any suggestions on what to do next. Just let me know! ~Annie💖

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