The Shell

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"What would you want to remember?"

"What do you mean? Like, something I have forgotten?"


"If I have forgotten something, how would I remember it, or have any desire to?"

"Okay, anything. Anything real or not, what would it be?"

"A fake memory? You don't make any sense."

"I've always been good at that."

I take a seashell and hand it to her. "Here, listen. The sound of the ocean, captured in a shell, like a memory. Imagine that it held something more. Something more than just the sound, something real. What if we had the chance to see something that was never real or actuallly experienced it?"

"What good is it to experience something that never happened? No one would believe it."

"You would believe it. It's the feeling that really matters."

"Here's the problem: I like my stories based on reality, and you like yours based on fiction."

"It would just be nice to know what really happens in life the way you want it to."

She handed the seashell back to me. "Tell me what happened, or happens, in this story that hasn't existed until now. What would you want to remember?"

I go into my mind and say what I see. "I'm nervous, I'm not sure if she can tell. For one single moment, I gather up enough courage to whisper something in her ear. Something I've always known, but never told her. Holding my breath only makes my heart beat faster. She looks at me for the first time. Differently, but with the same eyes that I fell in love with. She takes my glasses off and then- Nothing. It doesn't matter."

I look outside the window and think to myself about how stupid I am. Then I feel her sitting right beside me.

She takes off my glasses and then..... She kisses me.

I thought to myself, 'And then, fiction becomes.... reality.'


So, this is a short little story that my friend Miranda wrote. She told me to put it on here and then dedicate it to her, because she didn't want to make an account. She hopes you guys like it and I will tell her about any feedback that she gets about it, whether it be good or bad. Thanks for reading and I hope you liked her story. Comment and vote for her, please? (:

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