My Past

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??? POV

I am done with life.
I have nothing to live for.
All because of that day.

The past

"Mommy I'm home!" As I walked in to the living room, I saw the horror. It was my parent's and sister's lifeless bodys. Their blood in pools around them and the carpet forever strained red. I called 911 to try and save them. "I don't want to be alone", I whisper to myself. A 911 operator answers and I try to tell her that I need an abundance but all I can say is "They're dead."

The operator tried to calm me down and explain what was happening and were I was but all I could say was "They're dead." I keep repeating those words over and over like an old broken record.

The operator must have tracked my phone because she finally said "Stay calm, an officer will be there soon"

"Help me" I finally I'm able to say something else but it not much better.

The officer came like she told me but it was to late they were dead. And I was alone. I sat in the middle of the room. Blood stains still in the carpet. I knew I couldn't live anymore. My family, the only people who loved me were dead. "Why did you leave me?!" I screamed hoping they would hear me. I slept in the blood of my family with tears staining my cheeks.

??? POV
Present day

I'm now standing on the school rooftop about to jump off. "You have more to live for!" I hear someone scream behind me. But it's not true.

"You have more people who love you!" It's not true. My life was taken from me on that day. I can't be loved, not even my family stayed with me. I just wish I knew why my family was riped away from me but I never will.

I jumped off the roof that day. No doubt in my mind I was going to be with my family.

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