Chapter 1: Deserted

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I giggled as Carl pulled me through the prison and outside. He said no one was on watch and begged me to sneak out with him. We snuck out of the gates and ran into the outside world. After running for a few minutes Carl dropped to the ground in the middle of a field. I sat down next to him and stared in to his oceanic blue eyes. I smiled lightly and so did he. We sat there for a moment, enjoying the silence and the company. Carl truly was my best friend.
"Be right back." He smirked, running over to another corner of the field and lowering to the ground. I could see his rough hands plucking delicate and beautiful flowers. I grinned, knowing he was picking them for me. I was happy for the first time in forever. But everything changed when the dry grass behind me crunched and everything went black.


I awoke with a slight ache in my head. My throat burned from dehydration and my stomach begged for food. But what hurt worst was the feeling in my chest. The greatest pain I have ever felt, imbedded in every part of my heart and soul. Pure pain, brought on by loss and hopelessness.
A tornado of familiar faces without names flooded my mind. I knew that they were apart of my life somehow, at sometime, but I couldn't piece it together.
As my mind calmed, I slowly took in my surroundings. I was dressed in a hospital gown, an IV taped to my arm. The uncomfortable hospital bed I laid on creeped as I propped myself up. I sighed, my body aching as I moved.  I didn't know where I was or what was going on, but I had a strong feeling to get the hell out of there.
Slowly sitting up all the way, I ripped the IV out of my arm and tossed it to the ground. Holding onto the bed rails for support, I slowly stood up. My feet met the cold ground and I had a feeling I hadn't stood up in awhile.
My legs shook, threatening to give out on me, but I walked over to the window. I yanked open the blinds and almost gasped. It looked like a horror movie setting. It was vacant of people, except for a few corpses littering the ground. There was trash scattered and the streets were very unkempt. I shut the blinds, trying to think of any reasons this happened, and how I ended up in the middle of it.
My stomach growled, breaking my train of thought. I searched the room for any sign of food or water, and saw a glass of water on the bedside table. I hobbled over to it and gulped it down, every drop of water making me feel better. Setting the glass down, I looked for anything besides a hospital gown to wear. A good sized dresser sat perpendicular to the bed. I rummaged through the draws, only finding a pair of jeans, a tank top, and a jacket.
I threw on the change of clothes and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I quickly slid on the boots that had been carelessly laid by the door.
Not knowing what to expect, I quietly pulled open the hospital room door.

Comatose {a walking dead fanfiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin