One Shots

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So I've decided to start writing one shots.


Movies: Boondock Saints 1 & 2 Twilight Saga Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters X-Men(all movies) PotC LotR The Hobbit Hellboy 2 The Avengers Iron Man(all 3 movies) Star Trek & Star Trek Into Darkness Interview With The Vampire The Breakfast Club Any Johnny Depp Movie The Dark Knight Trilogy Fast & Furious movies

TV SHOWS: Supernatural The Walking Dead Grimm The Big Bang Theory Criminal Minds NCIS 21 Jump Street (the old show not the new movie) Sons of Anarchy (pre season 4 only)

ANIME and CG: Hetalia Pokemon Dragonball (including z and GT) Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

OTHER: Celebrities Percy Jackson & The Olympians books


Name: Nickname(s): Age: Crush: Looks: Personality: Theme(i.e.: Kiss In The Rain, Snowball Fight etc.) *optional*: Anything Else I May Have Missed:

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