Everything's Better When She's Around.

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Hi! Before you jump to any conclusions - no, this has nothing to do with Saving Grace. I am still writing it I promise, this is just a little story for @Aurorolight because she messaged me requesting it. Enjoy!


"Hello and welcome to your Junior year!" 

I sighed and sunk deeper into my seat, ignoring the excessively boring talk going on at the front of the assembly. Many of the students surrounding me rolled there eyes too, some even drifting off to sleep. These happened at the beginning of every year, an hour long assembly introducing new targets and personal goals for the school, any new students and how amazing this year would be. 

"The first of the new students," I perked up at this, hoping for perhaps some new company, "is Zack Merrick, who I'm sure will be openly welcomed by Alex, Jack and Rian."

"Hell yeah!" Jack yelled, standing up and waving. 

Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Rian Dawson and Zack Merrick made up the school's up and coming band 'All Time Low'. They weren't hugely popular, nor a huge success, however they were awesome dudes with a great music taste. 

"Obviously it is important your education comes first, so I know 'socializing', 'parties' and 'bands' seem important now, but I promise you they won't be later on in life, so be please ensure your full attention is set on passing this year and achieving amazing grades. Thank you for your attention, enjoy the rest of your day."

The assembly was dismissed, allowing me to plug my headphones in and walk to first period: choir. I was happily bobbing along to 'The Rock Show' by Blink 182, a.k.a the best band to live ever when the 'head girls' (as they called themselves) stopped in front of me, looking me up and down in disapproval. 

"Why's your hair blue?" Chelsea, the 'main' one asked. 

"Is it a problem?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow and pulled out one of my headphones. 

"It looks like a mistake." She stated, snickering with the others. 

"There so many things I could say to that." I chuckled, shaking my head and walking past them. 

"Oi! Don't walk away from me." She pouted. 

"How may I help you?" I sighed, becoming aware of the growing crowd around us. 

"What's that on your shirt?" She questioned, placing a hand on her hip.

"The blink bunny." I answered. 

"What?" She said. 

"And I told her that I didn't know." I sang quietly. 

"Freaking emo." She spat. 

"Wow...never heard that one before." I sighed, turning around and carrying on the walk to class. 


I stopped and turned to see Alex Gaskarth running towards me, sporting his own Blink 182 shirt and skinny jeans. He caught up with me eventually, leaning on his knee's to catch his breathe. 

"Uh, hi?" I said cautiously. 

"Hey!" He said breathlessly. 

"Can I help you?" I questioned, smirking at him. 

"Do you have choir first?" He asked. 


"Awesome, let's go." He grinned, casually guiding me with his hand on my lower back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2013 ⏰

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