Normal Boy X Cat Boy

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Mark POV

I just finish basketball practice with the others. I get out of the school gymnasium and just realize it's raining heavily. I take out my hoodie from my bag and wear it. I put my skateboard down and skate back home. As soon i arrive at the road near to my house, i heard a cat meowing sadly calling for help. As an animal lover for myself, i search for the cat along the road.

10 mins later, i've found a box and stop my skateboard. I get down and look at the box. I open the box and there's a pretty little kitten with blue eyes. it look at me with innocent eyes. I melted and decided to bring it back home. I carry the box and the kitten look at me. I look at it and give it a smile.

Mark: don't worry, pretty. I will bring you back to my home and take care of you as well. *smile*

I ride back my skateboard and skate back home. A few minutes later, we arrive home and i stop my skateboard. I open the door and enter the house. I put my skateboard down and walk with the kitten to the living room. I put the box onto the table and carry the kitten out of the box. I put the kitten onto the table and i sit on the floor while patting to the kitten.

Mark: what should i call you, pretty kitten?
Kitten: meow~?
Mark: hmm what about kuro??
Kitten: *silent*
Mark: fine. you don't like it. hmm.. How about shadow??
Kitten: MEOW!!!!!!
Mark: ok ok. aish~! This is so hard.. how about Jinyoung~?? but i make it cuter by calling you Jinyoungie~ is that okay?
Jinyoungie: Meow~!!!! *purr*
Mark: okay. let's take a bath, jinyoungie~!
Jinyoungie: Meow~!

I carry Jinyoungie with me and headed to the bathroom at my room. We go upstairs and enter my room. I walk towards the bathroom and open the door. I close the door and put Jinyoungie onto the sink. I take the cat soap and turn on the tap.

Mark: ok, jinyoungie. this is what you call bathing. Don't be scared okay. it's just water.

I carry jinyoungie and put him slowly into the sink. Thank god, it's not like other cat, it's one good cat. It does not afraid of water. I put soap onto it's head & body and wash it. Jinyoungie meowing cutely at me.

Mark: you like water, don't you?
Jinyoungie: Meow~!!!!
Mark: You're so cute.. thank god i carry you back home.. Okay. You're done bathing. Let's dry you up.

I take the towel nearby and put it onto my shoulder. I take out Jinyoungie from the sink and wrap him around with the towel. I carry him onto my arms and we get out of the bathroom. I walk towards my bed and put Jinyoungie down.

Mark: Listen to me, jinyoungie~!
Jinyoungie: Meow?
Mark: I'm gonna change to my sleepwear and Don't go anywhere, okay? I will dry you up later after i've done changing. Understood?
Jinyoungie: Meow~!
Mark: Good boy! *pat it's head*

I go to my closet and change my clothes to my sleepwear. I close back my closet and walk towards my bed. I look at my bed and my eyes widen. Jinyoungie is gone! Where is it? I look around my bedroom and there it is onto my study table. What is it doing? I sit on my chair and look at Jinyoungie.

Mark: jinyoungie?
Jinyoungie: meow~?
Mark: what are you doing?
Jinyoungie: meow? *pointed me a picture*
Mark: oh. That's my mom & dad. They always outstation and im here staying alone in this house.
Jinyoungie: Meow~! *sad meow*

All of a sudden, jinyoungie jump onto my shoulder and purr to my neck. I smile at it and carry it. I look at it and it look at me back. It ears went down and make a sad meow.

Mark: it's okay, jinyoungie. I have you now and you are going to accompany me anyway. Come on! Let's get to sleep.
Jinyoungie: Meow~!

I bring him with me to bed and put it beside me. I smile at it and pat it's head. Jinyoungie slowly close it's eyes and fall asleep. I kiss it's forehead and go to sleep.

Taking Care Of Kitty JinyoungieWhere stories live. Discover now