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I ran the blue straightener down my long dirty blonde hair. I looked in the mirror at my reflection. My lips were lined with a soft coral color and my big green eyes shimmered. This was the first time I had acutally thought I looked pretty. My friend Lea was having a party, and I thought I should make my self over this once. I gave myself a smile, because I did pretty good for never wearing makeup before. A message popped up on my phones screen. It was from my friend Andrea letting me know she was almost to my house to pick me up. 

I jumped off the bathroom counter and headed into my room to put my shoes on. I headed downstairs to see my mom and brother eating soup. 

"Bye mom!" I called as I rushed out the door.

"Be back before midnight." she hollered back. 

I was already out the door by now, so I didn't reply. Andreas sleek grey Toyota pulled up on the curb. I dashed to the car and jumped in the passenger side. 

"Hey girl!" Andrea said. "Who are you trying to impress? I've never seen you wear makeup before!"

"Nobody. Just thought i'd try it out. So do you know anyone thats gonna be here?"

"A few people. Andrea told me her cousins are in town so they'll be there. I've never met them before though." Andrea replied.


"You might just meet somebody" Andrea said giving me that little wink she always does.

"I doubt it."

We pulled up to Leah's house since she only lived a few blocks away. Her house was huge. Its whole front was glass, so you could see into the house. It had about three stories and a six car garage. I could tell the party had already started. You could see the stobe lights flickering through the glass front of the house.

Andrea pulled the car into the driveway and we both hopped out at the same time. We headed for the door. When we walked in the lights were flickering blue and green, and loud electro music was booming. Leah greeted me.

"Hey Viv! Glad you could make it! Drinks are in the sunroom and you can tell this is the dance floor."

I chuckled looking around at all the girls in short skimpy skirts grinding against guys. "I can tell." 

Just as Leah was about to say something else a tall guy with bleach blonde hair came from behind and grabbed her waist leading her to the dance floor. She smirked and waved at me as he drug her away. 

I looked around the room. Couples were intensly making out and dirty dancing was happening. I'd never really been to such a big party. I was definately not dressed appropriately in my knee length polka dot dress. I turned around to see Andrea already hooked up with a guy from school. Jerrod. Him and Andrea were talking and flirting around. I shook my head as I tried to push my way to the sunroom. I squirmed between couples trying to get there. I really needed a drink. I was shoved into a couple that was being very promiscuous. The girl in the tight leather corset took her attention off her boyfriend and stuck her leg out to trip me. I stumbled over her foot. People soon began to trample all over me as I struggled to get up. From the tangles of legs and feet a hand with long fingers appeared in front of me. I grabbed it and let it pull me up. When I was back on my feet I looked up to see gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. 

"Thanks for helping me up" I mumbled.

"It wasn't a problem. Couldn't stand seeing people so rude." He said in a very thick, deep australian accent. "I'm Luke."

"I'm Viv"

"Viv? What a unique name" 

I smiled. "I hate it though." 

People were pushing and shoving around us. I tried to keep my eyes on him, but people kept dancing between us and separating us. He got a little closer.

"No love, I like it." He said running his strong fingers through my hair.

He had to have been a little tipsy, he didn't look like the kind of guy who would make a move so quickly. 

I softly giggled as we started to do little awkward dances. "Nice moves." I said crunching my eyebrows.

He began to do a terrible disco move as he yelled over the music, "I'm not much of a dancer!"

"Me either." I replied to him, hoping he heard me over the thumping rhythm. 

"Let me see! I bet you're better than me!" 

I nervously began to do a very odd looking sprinkler, because I did not know any other moves. He grinned at me. I started to wobble. I knew I was just embarrasing myself even more. 

"Oh, you're not too bad!" He yelled doing the most awkward, worst dance move i've ever seen.

The loud electro music stopped, and the DJ started playing a slow song. "This ones for all you love birds." The DJ was Leahs brother, so I'm not suprised he couldn't come up with a better intro. 

I didn't want to dance with Luke. Not now. I wasn't ready. I'd never really slow danced before, especially with someone I just met.

"Ok, well it was nice meeting you." I smiled at Luke. I started to try to make my way back to the sunroom. A tight grip was on my arm. It was Luke. He pulled me back to him. I was very surpised. 

"No wait." He spun me around to face him, and he put his hands on my hips. 

I nervously put my hands on his shoulders. I don't know him, why am I doing this? I tried to avoid eye contact with him, even though his eyes were very bright and beautiful.

We began slowly swaying back and forth. We didn't speak. He rubbed his hands around my waist and inched his way to my inner thighs. I actually liked it. I actually liked Luke.

"So where are you from?" I asked as he circled his hands back around to my hips.

"Well i'm Leahs cousin, I'm here from Australia."

"Australia, huh? I thought you had an accent."

He chucked. "Yeh."

I noticed his perfect dirty blonde hair. It was styled into a soft quiff. I began to run my fingers through it as we swayed back and forth. It was so soft. I made soft circles on his scalp. He smiled at my as I did it. He was much taller than me so I had to stretch to reacht the top of his head. His smile was so adorable. His lips were very rosy and his bottom lip was puckered out. When I would rub his hair behind his ears, he'd smile with his gorgeous pearly white teeth.

"Ahh, thats it." He said softly.

I grinned. I'd never felt this way before. He was so strong and handsome I couldn't take my eyes of his. I layed my head on his broad shoulder. I was shocked at myself for doing this, and I wasn't even drunk. He was wearing a soft white tanktop with a hand on the front. I looked at down at his long legs. He was wearing black jeans with a hole in one knee. My head nuzzled into the crease of his neck as he stroked my back. 

The slow song was over and a fast song began to play again.

"Drink?" Luke asked.


He grabbed my hand and lead me through all the people to the sun room. I had never felt this way before.

Silly Love Songs- Luke Hemmings FanficWhere stories live. Discover now