Killer Frost

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"The only way to beat the Justice League is to form a team. An Anti-Justice League, if you will."

I suppress a yawn and stare out the window. When the legendary Mr. Freeze called a meeting, I didn't realize it would be about something so trivial. Defeating the Justice League seems to be the one goal that every villain wants to accomplish. It's an impossible goal. The League is too powerful, has too many members, and can be found everywhere. You don't find many supervillains that want to fight against them.

"I'm all in. That snot-nosed Green Arrow and his pretty boy sidekick need to pay." Icicle Jr. seethes. Ah, Icy. He's been a devout follower of Freeze since the moment they've met. Though the only thing Icy can accomplish is being a thorn in everyone's side, Freeze has deemed it appropriate to invite him. I can't fathom why, though.

"What's in it for us?" Captain Cold asks, leaning leisurely back in his chair. He's the only one out of the three of them that's actually sane. Though he's a manipulative bastard, he doesn't commit to anything unless he's confident he'll win. I'm positive he won't agree to being on some sort of team.

"We'll each get a city to rule. I'll have Metropolis. Icicle will receive Central City. And you can have Star City, Captain." Freeze explains. "And you, Killer Frost, may have Gotham." He adds as an after thought.

Captain Cold frowns, "And how do you propose we accomplish this task? There have been many attempts to overthrow the Justice League. They will be more than ready for our attack."

"We'll be attacking the Justice League indirectly.  Have any of you heard of the Teen Titans?"

I immediately straighten. Before I decided that being a hero wasn't for me, I was asked by Superman to join the Teen Titans. I had even lived with them for a few months, as a trial run to see how we were as a team. I wonder how Beast Boy's doing.

"Ah, Killer seems to know them." Freeze observes shrewdly. He narrows his eyes at me. "The Teen Titans are lead by Robin, Batman's sidekick. Other members are Cyborg, a half-man, half-robot hybrid; Starfire, a naive alien girl; Raven, a hotheaded demon, and Beast Boy, a shapeshifter. They're a newly formed team, so they'll be especially unequipped to handle a calculated attack from us.  Once we've conquered Titans Tower, we can use it's technology to further progress our plan."

Captain Cold remains quiet, running through possible scenarios in his head. I feel conflicted. Though I'm not a superhero, I'm definitely not as villainous as the men around me. I always perform acts of unlawfulness when I know that no one will get hurt, like stealing from stores late at night.  I can't agree to help Mr. Freeze overthrow the Justice League, because I know people will get hurt in the major battles that will ensue. But if I disagree, then I'll be declared a coward and villains won't respect me anymore. I mind as well just be considered a hero by that point.

"I'll do it." Captain Cold announces. He stands and tightens his grip on his freeze ray. "Perhaps overthrowing the League's little kiddie team will teach them a valuable lesson."

Mr. Freeze smiles sleazily. "Perfect. I know Icicle will join." Icicle nods in enthusiasm. "Killer Frost?"

All three men turn toward me, and I try to remain cool. I make a split second decision and stand up, my chin held high. "I'll do it."


"Starfire, this meal is disgusting." Cyborg says, frowning at the green sludge covering his plate.

"I rather enjoy it. Thank you, Star." Robin lies, kissing her on the cheek.

Like every evening-when we're not busy saving the world, of course-the five of us sit down to a mediocre dinner together. Tonight Starfire was on dinner duty, as evident by the mystery purple liquid that's paired with our neon green sludge.

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