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Nico dashed into the hotel lobby soaked to the skin. "Damn you Zeus, why did you have to go and get mad today?" he muttered as he approached the desk clerk.

"Do you have any available rooms?" he asked, knowing that Zeus would not be letting up anytime soon. Whatever he was mad about it was clear from the sheer amount of lightning that he was seriously mad. Looking out the window, Nico saw a few flurries as well, signaling another god had gotten involved, either Poseidon or Boreas. 

"We have-"

The clerk stopped looking a bit uneasy. Nico turned to see who had caused this and saw Will Solace striding in. He came up behind Nico, but he recognized the face as he came up next to him.

"One room left." the clerk finished, eyes darting between the two men.

"One room will be fine, thanks." Will said easily.

The clerk looked anxiously at Nico.

"Fine by if you snore by the gods..." Nico said, throwing up his hands. He saw no other choice, as it was some convention week, and the rest of the hotels were probably booked solid. Besides, he might be a child of darkness and death but even he had no wish to venture out onto the storm that night.

"Room 345." the clerk said handing them each a key. 

"Thanks you. Come on Nico we have some catching up to do." Will grinned.

It had been ages since he'd seen Solace, Nico realized. Almost seven years since the Great War and the merging of the two camps. He'd managed to keep in touch with most of his new friends, but Will had slipped away when Nico wasn't looking. One day, they just stopped talking, no particular reason why, just a growing busyness between the two of them had led their lives in different directions.

He touched the button for the elevator, knowing that Will would ask him tons of questions as soon as the door closed. Right before it could a plump woman waddled in with her adoring husband. 

"Oh sweetie, we're right by the place. The place that I first set eyes on you, and my life changed forever." The man said, holding his wife's hand.

"And now five years later we're on a second honeymoon!" The woman replied excitedly. 

"To relive the glory days, before a new player comes into the game." The man finished.

"Congratulations." Will said, his tone polite.

"Oh my!" The woman gasped. "I didn't realize we had company! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Kayla." 

Will shook her hands politely. 

"I'm Will and this is Nico." He said slinging a hand around my shoulders. Nico stiffened, as the man told them his name was Ben. 

"It's so nice that you two can be so open isn't it? In other countries people just don't have that freedom. I'm so happy for you guys. Are you two getting married, or are you already?" Kayla blabbered on. 

Will's smile stiffened slightly at her assumptions, but it served him right. Didn't do anything to alleviate the flush spreading across Nico's face though. 

"The future is never certain is it?" he said, tone a few shades cooler than polite, glaring at her full stomach. 

"Well I guess so." She laughed, oblivious to his glare. "Oh look it's our floor! See you two lovebirds around!"

"We aren't dating!" Nico yelled at her, as the doors closed. "Stupid people making assumptions." he grumbled.

"I thought she was rather nice." Will said lightly.

The Angel and the Sun (Percy Jackson, Soleangelo)Where stories live. Discover now