The Easier Days, and The Harder Ones

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Days like this were easy. The days when all we did was talk, and laugh, and kiss, and just be together. I would smile, and my precious love would smile back, that goofy-ass grin crossing his face.

He would smile and say, “I love you, Mi-cool.”

And I could easily smile softly in return, and murmur back, “I love you too, dumb ass.”

Those were the easy days.

Sometimes it was harder.

Sometimes, I would get so damn angry, not even his calming touches and soft words would help. I would tell him to fuck off. He would look at me, wounded and sad, and murmur softly, “Okay, Michael. I’ll go for now, but I promise I’ll be back soon, and we can work this out.”

I would level a glare at him and he would make a small whimper before leaving our apartment. He would go out, wander aimlessly for a few hours, unable to really go anywhere without a car, and not willing to go to work. Sometimes he would return fully sober, but sometimes he would return tipsy or fully drunk, smelling like cheap liquor and the smoke that you could only find in a bar, mumbling sweet nothings as he entered. I would be calm by then, and hold him while he sniffled into my shoulder, asking me to promise not to hate him. I never understood why he thought that I would.. until one of the hardest days of all.

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