TARDIS Tantrums

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"ARE YOU SURE THIS ISN'T A SPRINKLER SYSTEM?!!!" Clara called out over the

downpour. She had been soaked to the bone in only a matter of seconds and she could feel herself getting chills already. Through the heavy rain -or whatever it was- she could barely make out the silhouette of the Doctor slipping and sliding around the console, pulling levers pressing buttons.

"THE TARDIS DOESN'T HAVE A SPRINKLER SYSTEM!!!!" he called back and she furrowed her brow.

"ISN'T THAT A BIT UNSAFE?!" she sloshed forward towards him but he only spun around more, flailing and then finally crashing to the ground with a loud grunt.

"IF ONE WAS NEEDED SHE'D MAKE ONE!!! WHERE ARE YOU I NEED HELP UP." Clara lurched forward towards towards the Doctor's voice and found him on the floor, arms above his head to keep the water from splashing against his face in painful droplets. A loud crack of thunder made Clara duck as she helped up her friend.

"Is it storming in here?" she shivered and looked up at the man in front of her. They were close enough now that they didn't really need to shout. The Doctor looked down at her, his browless-brow pinched up in amusement.

"Storming, that's preposterous," he laughed and put an arm around her shoulder, "it's just storming inside the TARDIS." his lips curled into a small 'o' and Clara shook her head.

"Well can we get somewhere a bit more dry? Both of us are going to catch cold."

"Right. Only you though. I don't catch colds." he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the furthest corridor. Clara had to jog, almost run, to keep up with his long strides.

They had originally thought that maybe the rain was only inside the console room but, when they had trudged through a flooded hall, four storage rooms, seven bedrooms, the kitchen, another console room AND two extensions of the same wardrobe that were all completely soaked and still getting drenched, they realized mayyyyybe their hypothesis was wrong. Clara was shivering now and the purple jacket the Doctor had draped around her shoulders wasn't really helping since it too was soaked through and through.

"I suggest we just wait this one out. Maybe go to the kitchen, fix some custard up under an umbrella and try to forget about it?" Clara wrinkled up her nose at the idea of custard, especially since he always used fish fingers as a vehicle. She had tried it once and found it absolutely disgusting.

"Is there no way you can stop it?" she looked up at him, her big brown eyes pleading as her small frame shivered. The Doctor's floppy hair fell in little bits that hung in front of his forehead and clung to his skin. His blue shirt was stuck to his torso and he'd gotten sick of the suspenders. His bowtie, however, was still tied neatly around his neck. The old alien shrugged and leaned one hand on the wall but found it too slippery and nearly fell to the floor.

"I think she's angry honestly." Clara tilted her head and gave him an incredulous look.

"Angry?" she crossed her arms and blinked quickly, trying to keep the water at bay. The Doctor started to walk away, heading towards the kitchen with long strides, slipping and sliding once and awhile. He really needed shoes with better treading.

"Yes. Angry. Not sure what about but the TARDIS is definitely throwing a tantrum. She'll tell me eventually. Maybe she will tell you. No clue." his arms flailed this way and that dramatically as he always seemed to do when he was explaining things. Clara thought it was so funny.

"So we just have to wait until her tantrum stops?" Clara sped up to be closer to him and reduce how loudly they both had to speak.

"Either that oooooorrrr... land somewhere and have an adventure!" he looked at her, grinning and excited.

"I thought that you wanted custard." Clara laughed and reached for his hand, lacing small wet fingers through large wet fingers and following him as he nearly yanked her small frame down the corridor and right past the kitchen. Their feet slipped all over the place in the frantic dash for the control room but when they finally got their palms on the controls they tried to fly her into whatever action they might find.

Much to their disappointment, however, she wouldn't have it. The old ship went dark and silent, the Doctor grunting and letting his head hang back in frustration. Clara gave him a look of annoyance and sighed.

"So I guess we're not going anywhere." the Doctor looked at her from the corner of his eye and nodded.

"Nope. Nowhere. Time for custard." he didn't even bother to grab her hand as he sauntered back towards the kitchen and through a storage room to get an umbrella that wasn't filled with water. Clara followed slowly, giving up on any sense of urgency she might have felt before. She could feel her throat getting sore and her nose running as she sat down on a wet stool and watched the Doctor dance and spin around the kitchen under the umbrella. He mumbled, hummed, laughed. Nothing made sense to her but it was still amusing to watch him make a mess of the already messed up galley style kitchen.

"Could you possibly make some tea. I think I'm getting sick." she sniffled and the Doctor nodded with a smile, starting a kettle and plopping down right on top of the counter with his bowl of custard and fish fingers. His young companion grimaced and sighed.

"It'll stop soon I think," he said hopefully, "but we should do something to pass the time a little less boringly." the Timelord hopped down and left his snack, disappearing down a hall and being gone for enough time that Clara had to finish making the tea. She was sipping away at it, hiding under the upper cabinets when he returned with a huge stack of board games cradled precariously in his arms. He didn't even say single word as he set every single one of them up on the ground, connecting them this way and that. Clara hadn't even seen or heard of half of them.

"What exactly are you doing-" she looked up at the ceiling and realized something astonishing. The rain had stopped. She didn't even know when it had, her own brain probably tricking her inside this strange box of lunacy and mysteries.

"Would you look at that! The lights are even back on!" the Doctor clapped his hands and kicked the board games away and pulled Clara off the counter towards the console room. "Adventure time!"

He spun around the console excitedly, the lights all back on and the floor surprisingly dry after all that rain. Clara had half expected the whole place to be flooded up to their waists with how much rain there had been.

"Where are we going then?"

"NO CLUE!" he said excitedly as they were thrown to the side as the TARDIS lurched this way and that. When they finally landed with a thud the Doctor ran towards the door and threw it open, looking out hopefully and then immediately dropping his shoulders.

"Doctor, what is it-" she walked up next to him and saw what he was complaining about.

"IT'S RAINING!!!!!!!"   

TARDIS Tantrums [Doctor Who]Where stories live. Discover now